A little DIY project: Augmenting your own body


Just watch these videos about a girl talking about augmenting her own body without spending much money. It is really of a mad scientist level, except that she isn't a scientist but someone who just likes to bio-hack herself.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-Dv6dDt ... r_embedded
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RV_6Axb ... r_embedded

She kinda reminds me of Kimiko Ross from the Dresden Codak comics. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to dresdencodak.com now and enjoy some of the best comics known to man.
Health warnings

I'm not a doctor or a legal expert

This involves a lot of pain and lot of risk - weigh up carefully if you want to get invovled.

You will need money


The RFID tagging under the skin will most likely cause religious people to go insane. "It's the mark of the beast!" Oh wait, nevermind. I guess she already knew that. I love the fact she's drinking while making her presentation.
UghRochester said:
The RFID tagging under the skin will most likely cause religious people to go insane. "It's the mark of the beast!" Oh wait, nevermind. I guess she already knew that. I love the fact she's drinking while making her presentation.

lol, yeah i thought that was beer too. It is club soda, however.

Also her blog, so you can get further confirmation as to how much of a nut she (well, according to the blog, she prefers to be called "genderless") is.


UrbanMasque said:
..but I'd hit it.

Wtf, ew, no.
Aw, I wanted her to show me her magnetic fingertips and show me where north is on her leg.

All I see is a fancy self harmer.
She really is freaky looking, but after watching those vids, she would probably thank me. Urban, you would probably a screw a girl in wheel chairs and nickname her "Hot Wheels." I don't want to know where you put your dick at nowadays.
I'm talking about having a frickin' HUD in my eyeball too. GPS, top right corner. Current ammo count, lower left. People's names above their head so I don't have to remember them. It's going to be great.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I'm talking about having a frickin' HUD in my eyeball too. GPS, top right corner. Current ammo count, lower left. People's names above their head so I don't have to remember them. It's going to be great.

:lol: Brilliant
cyberjim2000 said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Call me when retinal implants let me watch TV without a screen.

:!: 3D glasses built right into your retinas! ... Actually, that sounds like a bad idea.

its not far fetched, they already have contact lenses that can browse the internet. it might be a while, as theyre in very early development, but we'll see them in 10 years i imagine.

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