A GR Adult Panel on the Pros and Cons of not having children

+ expendable income out the wazoo
+ all my toys are my toys
+ how do I hold all this free time?
+ living is cheap, cheap, cheap!
+ single payer insurance? Yes, please!

- can't count the brats on my income tax return
- can't quell my narcissistic desires to produce a copy of myself and pass my knowledge to my very own personal doppelganger
- "but muh bloodline!"
- won't be able to guilt-burden my children into taking care of me when I'm 86 years old
- i don't have a fifth reason; for no reason here's Apu
I like to think of it as having people, 'cause you know, they grow up.

I have few genetic health concerns, so my biggest fear is that, despite my best efforts, my future kids might turn into people I really would prefer them not to. Still, I've got some good expectations. I plan on raising them with a lot of the things I grew up with. Any old brat can poke at a screen all day, but my kids will learn about the skill and manual dexterity that's required to operate a computer mouse, and a d-pad.
yeah, but that's the bachelor's take on things. We need to hear from actual GR parents. Someone to set us right. Someone like ...
Oh, god. Fuck no. If the secret to successful parenting comes from photoblogging updates of your child's day-to-day, then count me out. No offense, but absolutely.
Pros of not having kids:

+financial stability pretty much guaranteed if you're not brain dead
+much more stress free life
+do what you want not what your kids want
+most likely live longer since less stress
+more vacations
+more sleep
+less fights with wife
+less fights with kids
+less fights with parents/authority figures that your kids cause problems with

etc. the list could go on forever

Pros of having kids:

+you get to experience all the upsides of having kids, bringing up your own little person, your mini-me. watching them grow, helping them become a better person and achieve success. seeing the smiles on their faces christmas morning, their smile the first time they bring home an A from school, the first time they ride a bike, etc. i doubt there is any bigger joy in life.

I'm torn personally.. the cons of having children definitely outweigh the positives in quantity, but does the quality of having kids outweigh the quantity? I think most respectable, stable people who have had children would say yes.
Kids = contributing to the world overpopulation problem. Thus i doubt i'll ever have any.
China has the right idea. Wrong execution, but right idea.

Plus, i remember what i was like as a kid. I was a little shit. I do not want little me's running around.
intoTheRain said:
does the quality of having kids outweigh the quantity? I think most respectable, stable people who have had children would say yes.

But of course they would. You'd be a monster not to.

So of course parents have looked at this woman as that monster.
though here's someone who's grateful for her honesty.

Parenthood is awesome. When two people come together and decide that's what they want, then god bless. That choice can be what life's all about, I'm very cool with that. That's the best pro for parenting I can think of: being of choice, and of love.

Other than that? I've no clue. But you'll have one hell of a time topping *that* pro-parenthood vote. Still... it seems selfish to me. A mini-me? great, because the world needs more of that.
Guess I'm just stirring the pot, but there's something disingenuous about having children, especially those who have large families. But if that's what you want, then hey, what do I know? I don't get it (gulp).
- can't quell my narcissistic desires to produce a copy of myself and pass my knowledge to my very own personal doppelganger
This is why Im going to clone myself and teach new me to clone himself and so on.
I also plan on digitizing my brain before I die. My mortal body and this consciousnesses may die but my digitized consciousnesses will live essentially forever.

I don't want a kid until Im 40 though. Something that has drove girlfriends away from me because they either don't want wait, think they wont be able to have children at 40, or that the kid will come out fucked up with the mother being that old.

Im only 24 and every girlfriend Ive ever had has a kid now....(None are mine)
But on the other hand, you have a dog! Even better!

Your views weren't so controversial, Rain. Anyone who can't take that sort of banter needs to just get over it. If you don't agree, then don't take part in the discussion. Easy enough, and I believe everyone gets that.

thought of a con

- can't get free slave labor out of my boys - that lawn ain't gonna mow itself :(
How would you know? The asshole is an entirely different matter all together.
Some women go cesarean to keep it tight. "Ladies, win the fight: Keep it tight!" I just totally thought that up on the spot.
It's a gift. shh.. i know, i know.

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