a bikini-cast, seriously?


seriously, dukes chair isnt even cold and you're pushing this type of bullshit?

Everything I loved about GR is dead
He has a point. When I first came to this site, it was enjoyable and full of multiple surprises, now its dead and most of the laughs are gone.
Despite this not being the way I want GR to head, I'd be interested to see how many views the vid has in comparison to other GR Vid posts.
Bretimus_v2 said:
Despite this not being the way I want GR to head, I'd be interested to see how many views the vid has in comparison to other GR Vid posts.

I'm not going to lie, the appeal of tits got me to click the link, and hell she deserves a gold star for filling out the bikini as well as she did, but it's a horrible step for this site, have her review the games in a video format properly, she has a cute face, and an enthusiasm for it, that alone will make it a successful feature on the site.

Remember when GR was not about being a flashier site like IGN, but prided itself on better content? Good ol times
It felt way too gimmicky and as if GR staff were saying "hey! Guys. Games. TITS! WE'RE AWESOME!!!!1111" Because, you know, all video gamers are sexually deprived beings who want to watch someone in a bikini talk games. What's next? 3D video podcasts?
So basically, the people working for this site should never try to make the site flashier or more popular, because 10 people here can't get over themselves.

Duke isn't here, and this isn't 1998.

Diabolus said:
So basically, the people working for this site should never try to make the site flashier or more popular, because 10 people here can't get over themselves.

Duke isn't here, and this isn't 1998.


I'd like to think people who came to GR daily for the community since 98 have a right to be annoyed, a site that was counter culture and prided itself on content instead of flash, has now become cheap and sizzle with no substance
Diabolus said:
So basically, the people working for this site should never try to make the site flashier or more popular, because 10 people here can't get over themselves.
No, they should never try to clone every other gaming website on the planet and take away the ONLY differentiating part of the website from others, thus turning it into another IGN clone shithole without consulting the very people who have been visiting the site and therefore keeping it running since before the new millennium.
Why should they consult you? Do you pay them any money to help keep this site going?

Are you guys going to start paying them money so they can keep the site the way you want it?

There are thousands of people who visit this site and never post in the message boards. I've been reading this site since the N64 was a new console, and I liked the old GR better, but I'm not going to throw a bitch fit because they're changing things.

I used to LOVE Gamefan magazine. And where are they now?
You're throwing a bitch fit because we are though...so dont throw a bitch fit at our bitch fit....bitch.

They're just pissed off because a unique gaming site with a glorious community has been turned into a clone of all the other gaming sites.
I understand progression, I understand keeping with the times. Just do it in the same way you've always been doing! I mean....the chick isnt even that hot!

I concur with downward spiral status.
I think it's pretty dickish to make fun of her looks when she may be reading this. I've seen everyones' pictures before, and I'm pretty sure that none of you will be modeling for Men's Health anytime soon. Just saying. Bitch.
Diabolus said:
I think it's pretty dickish to make fun of her looks when she may be reading this. I've seen everyones' pictures before, and I'm pretty sure that none of you will be modeling for Men's Health anytime soon. Just saying. b****.
It's not like he called her ugly.
Most of us would go out with her instantly if we had the chance.

Except me. I'm still trying to get Yahtzees number.
There are other comments here saying that she's a ho, she's ugly, etc.

That's pretty fucking ignorant. People love the site, but they don't hesitate to shit all over the people who work for it.
Diabolus said:
There are other comments here saying that she's a ho, she's ugly, etc.

That's pretty fucking ignorant. People love the site, but they don't hesitate to shit all over the people who work for it.
The website isn't some autonomous being that does shit on its own. A website like this is made up entirely of two things, content and writers. When the writers are shit and the content is shit, then the website is, guess what, shit. Simply saying that you love it regardless of the content is little more than blind fanboyism.

Now there's a difference between saying we love the website regardless and we love the website because of its history and what it was. What it was was a site that was very counter-culture to the other gaming sites out there, never gave into hype and gave the straight truth. Now it's heading in the exact opposite direction, and this shows it. It's exactly like Lethean said, this is a gimmick trying to get people to come to the site by pandering to the LOL TITS AND GAMES stereotype of girls that like games are automatically SUPER HAWT! It's pretty sad, really.
That kind of goes back to my earlier comment about consulting the long time users about changes. If I worked for this site and knew that everyone hated me and everything I do, I sure as hell wouldn't be worried about pissing them off by changing things. The door swings both ways.

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