4 August 2002


A day that went down in history.

I joined GR..

I remember it like it was yesterday. Spending all summer being lazy and playing video games, in my brothers friends tree fort, painting our hands on the wall and having wars, playing army men, skateboarding in the garage. Staying up til 4am reading posts on gr and then eventually joining.

And 10years later I'm still doing the same, no I'm joking. But where have the past 10 years gone!

Congrats to me :)
Congratulations to another one of the originals entering the Decade Brigade.

PROTIP: Dobby, being the only girl posting pics online in 2002, is responsible for recruiting as many as 20,000 new GR members in her first year* and at least 4 GR hookups* that we know of--bbk, Jared, BBK alternate account, and Ted Wolff, respectively.

*current records
Congrats, Dobby. I had my 10 year this past march. Kinda makes me feel old to say Ive posting at GR for a third of my life.
No but, Congrats on your almost 10 years, Dobby! I have to say that I'm relatively new to the forums, but I certainly see why some of you have stuck around for so long.
Come for the games, stay for the ogling boys and men, eh Dobby? :p

As a fellow faithful GRarian (that's GameRevolutionarian), I'd like to thank you for your positive influence on the community. :thumbup:
Congrats, Dobby! A decade is something to shake a stick at with the internet being a new as it is.

I'm up for a decade in a few months, question is, will I get it before the end of the world, or, is my decade celebration going to be so balls that the myans predicted it?
Icepick said:

I'm up for a decade in a few months, question is, will I get it before the end of the world, or, is my decade celebration going to be so balls that the myans predicted it?
I think you getting banned is more likely to happen. :p
danielrbischoff said:
Icepick said:

I'm up for a decade in a few months, question is, will I get it before the end of the world, or, is my decade celebration going to be so balls that the myans predicted it?
I think you getting banned is more likely to happen. :p

didn't work the first three times, or the 50 odd times from the chat, so I'm not worried ;)
It's kind of weird to think most of us are in our mid twenties or early thirties, and this message board still has a word filter on it.

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