10 years!


I just noticed that 3 days ago it was my 10 year GR anniversary. Here is a list of my top 10 posters who have made my posting experience over the past 10 years interesting.

10. used44 - solid dude, regular guy. one of the few people on the boards who I could actually see myself hanging with in real life.

9. Chris_Crime - Ive always enjoyed your posting from afar over the years. We haven't really every interacted much, but I think your style of humor and the way you post is top notch. If i see a Chris_Crime post I always take the time to read it.

8. augie - would much higher on my list if he were still around. augie was a great dude and my board mentor for my first few years here. We played a lot of Counter-strike and talked a lot of fantasy football.

7. Lethean/White_Rabbit/etc - good ol Drama_Rabbit. I always had a good time busting your balls. I apologize if any of it went too far in your eyes. I know I can be a prick just to get a few laughs. I am glad things are civil between us now. But whatever I think of you, you did make my board life interesting.

6. bob - I always liked bob. He was an awesome mod and he was from Michigan. My favorite thing concerning bob was my freshman year of college i was meeting people on my floor in the dorm and I met this guy named Fred. He was kind of a weird dude and I was in the chat talking about him, and it turned out this Fred went to bob's high school and would always creep his sister. We had some good laughs over the next year about Fred.

5. orphic - is always up for some whacky board hi-jinx. We raced to 50 posts a lot of times and he also posted the entire novel "A Tale of Two Cities" (before posts had any sort of limits) Still probably the thing on the boards that has made me laugh the hardest.

4. kaanchtoofan - my nemesis. Kaan and I are always out to say a disparaging thing to one another. It is just not possible for me to be nice to him, but I am going to try just for this post and then NEVER AGAIN. Kaan is seriously the greatest sport I have ever come across. We can be downright evil to one another and say things you should never say to another human being. Through all of this, kaan has never once gotten offended or taken things too seriously. He always just lets everything roll off his back and takes it all in stride. Kaan is a rare human being with a great sense of humor and the ability to roll with the punches with the best of them. He also uses penis weights, dated Shrek, and provided shelter for Osama Bin Laden. lololololol

3. malakian - is a pompous dick face and I love him. I would say we are complete opposites in most every way. But for some reason, we have a pretty similar taste in action RPGs. We bonded over our love for KOTOR gave each other a shoulder to cry on over KOTORII and he got me into The Witcher which is one of my favorite games and probably would have never played otherwise. Co-Founder of Friends Under Colorful Kites To Negate Oppression the greatest clan the boards have ever seen.

2. Icepick - Icepick is a douche. Plan and simple. He has however been involved with a lot of the most memorable stuff on the boards. Whether he is getting female community members to send him racy pictures and then promising never to show them to anyone and then posting them...multiple times and multiple girls, getting me to change my password and locking me out of my account during the April Fools hacking prank, and of course the whole suicide fiasco which was probably the most dramatic thing that has happened on the boards. (and probably would have gotten me arrested if it happened today)

1. SilentPlayer - Silentplayer is someone I consider a true friend. Our internet adventures are way to numerous to name. But he has been by far the poster who has stood out the most and made my time here at GR memorable.

Thanks GR :)
Wow I remember you Shaft, doubt you remember me but you were one of the few I looked up to when I first started posting on here. Good to see you.
Dang, 10 years on GR's forum. That seems like a long time and a lot of memories. Thanks for Fantasy Football leagues shared and putting me in your sig.
6 out of the 10 users haven't been on here for years. Way to disappoint all the current members who will read this Shaft.

lol JK, congrats man
oh, some great names there. Been a while for most of them. Wish I'd been here for the suicide thing. It's only ever been mentioned in passing and I really wonder wtf you old fogies always mean by it.
What are the odds I'd scope out GR after, like, two years of not visiting and see this thread?
bob said:
What are the odds I'd scope out GR after, like, two years of not visiting and see this thread?

This seems to be a recurring occurrence.

It really makes me wonder if all the cool people from the last 10 years are actually one person who's just been fucking with us all.
10 years... that's a long time. So I'm gonna put it into perspective.

When Shaft joined GR Grand Theft Auto III, the first Halo, the GameCube, and the original Xbox hasn't been released yet and SEGA was still a console company.

So here's hoping you'll stick around for another 10 years.
NickKmet said:
bob said:
What are the odds I'd scope out GR after, like, two years of not visiting and see this thread?

This seems to be a recurring occurrence.

It really makes me wonder if all the cool people from the last 10 years are actually one person who's just been f****** with us all.
I just assume it's outside connections.
My favourite members also left, which means YOU AREN'T ONE!!!

Jokes!!! You're alright. I'm glad that a veteran of your status is still around.

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