You're the final boss


what do you fill your level with? Enemies can be from any game, and you can have as many as you want. Traps from other games can be included as well.

I'd put the chainsaw guys from RE4 and Fleamen from castlevania
Same as above, but graphically replace every enemy head (at least for those enemies that has heads) with the head of Jack Thompson. And maybe some heads of íœwe Boll for variety's sake.
crazycracker22 said:
Every single thing from every single game.

Too easy, the player can just farm the weaker ones til he has every single weapon and unlimited lives then just go apeshit and kill you. The goal is to make it hard for the player, so he's already messed up when he gets to you.
Awesome topic. I would have those cliffs you had to climb in god of war(cliffs of insanity, was it?). But while you were climbing, the archers were firing at you and the chainsaw folk from RE4 were also climbing the wall, chasing you. Waiting at the top would be an epic battle of baseball versus Ganon. Then you must pass through the water temple filled with bigdaddies until you reach an open field of 16 colossi which you must once. All 16 colossi are in a huge puzzle, you have to use each of them to get to the next one. After you slay them, you must proceed to an open field of zelda know the ones...they still haunt you in your dreams. Once you're through the field you meet metal sonic and you only have one left. If you defeat him, you enter the castle. Ooooops, wait, wrong castle fool! Now you must defeat an army of angry goombas. Now you finally reach the real castle, my lair. However, upon arrival, you realize that there's no fight, just a cutscene, where i automatically kill you. Great ending to a game, i rule the world :). Shortly after the conclusion of the game, you throw your controller through the tv.
Every hard enemy from every game. Once every enemy is defeated, you must battle Ganon, Bowser, 4 Big Daddies and the Devil until you reach me. I have only one weakness and it is a small, little point the size of an atom on my back which is covered in steel plating. So, I squish you and you go boom and the Final Fantasy victory music plays but it's in a darker tone beacuse I won. You lose all your lives and are forced to play the level again 5 more times before you are able to throw your console out the window in frustration.

Moving platform/enemies so that to even reach me they need to be coordinated and time their jumps correctly.

The enemies they are jumping are kind of like the paratroopas from Mario, they move around, patrol the areas, and snap at the enemy when they get close.

Meanwhile, some other enemies stuck on the ceiling will be shooting down, trying to hit our hero as they time the jumps,making it a screen of death.

For good measure, I will have one small platform for them to be on, where they have to fight Crazy and Master Hand from Super Smash Bros! If they win, however, they will get an extra life, because i'm generous.

This continues, until they face off against numerous flying spaceships from R-Type, just for good measure, as they jump from live platform to live platform. Finally they reach sub-boss number two. The Dragon from Mega Man. Let's see them take on that beast, because like the Mega Man game, they have to jump from platform to platform, although this time they are non-living platforms, only crumbling blocks that fall when standing on them for too long.
i would have one million william hungs in super armour plating singing she bangs over and over again. while they arent strong in any way it will take you at least a half hour to get to me. any one who can stand a half hour of that song deserves to face me. but when you do get to me you will be weakened by hung, and i will own you like you were a little brother who logged on to his older brother's lvl 50 halo gamer profile. then when i kill you, i will respawn you at the begining of the level so you have to do it all over again
rock. paper scissors. if you lose - you will have biggest amount of shame.
a single Jack thompson, who got a job for the ESRB. Get through his advanced censoring laser, and you guess..umm..i know, you can call me a silly cake, and walk back to your home.
You then realise my game sucked, and go on a murderous rampage until the police accept your demands and kill jack Thomspson.

You Win.
I would have 3 white mages - healing me and healing/rezzing each other, 3 green mages - casting haste on me and on each other, and dispel on the player, 3 black mages casting one of each element and status on him [ie sleep, silence, slow, immobile, etc]on the player. And I would be able to teleport all over the stage.

[mages are all female]

[Im immune to all conditions and Summons do not leave status effects on me]

My only Attack is Similiar to Selphie's - The End [FF8], where as is causes instant death to all party members - Game Over] My attack is timed - you have 10 minutes to Kill all my mages - then Me - the boss- Then after 10 minutes, i count down from 10 seconds, at the end of which - i cast my final spell. The End.

First you must defeat Mike Tyson from Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! Easy right? WRONG! To hell with "balanced game play" and "physics." Why just one punch from an animation consisting of only two frames of mighty Mike's meat paw meant you were down on the mat! ...M!

Then: Choplifter. Now you don't have to beat anyone here, just play it for a little while, that counts too.

Now: As the guy from Shenmue, beat someone in a forklift race. And not the easy one at the beginning either. NO.
you're racing in or against the last one. Or one of the bonus ones.. I forget.

from Wiki:
Shin Akuma
Shin Akuma was created as a secret character and boss. The two versions operate very similarly, but Shin Akuma is faster, deals more damage and can throw two Zankū Hadoken at once. Also, his Shun Goku Satsu is much faster (making it harder to evade), and in some instances, inflicts more damage. In some instances, Shin Akuma also has more life-threatening specials as well (e.g. Misogi). Shin Akuma's appearance is very similar to Akuma's except he exhibits white hair and a slightly darker shade of skin. In the Street Fighter Alpha series, Shin Akuma had a purple-blue gi instead of a black one, but retains the red hair.
Beat him. Beat Shin Akuma. Capcom vs. SNK 2, go, now.

So you've made it this far, have you? Well I shall now unlock the remaining gates de DIABLO!


Take the Physical Challenge: Double Dare for the NES. Complete the Obstacle Course without the NES Advantage stick. I dare ya. Why... I DOUB... meh

CurrentGen?: Want something a little more this century, eh? Guitar Hero III Through the Fire and Flames on Expert. WORT WORT WORT! :twisted:


DIE: Marble Madness Level 6. Yes, it IS the one where the map changes at the end. and you have no time to think or stop because it's a time based game. and if you were to stop moving you'd slow down your marble and die anyways. and it's really difficult to even move the marble to begin with. i could go and on and on. anyone who can remember the original Gulf War could go on and on an on. Marble Madness, and how.

yes, I honestly believe this small portion of this classic game is harder than Through the Fire and Flames on Expert in Guitar Hero III.

Finally: Karate Champ. Beat it. Beat it and the bull.

Stop. Judge.



What?? White? NOOOOO!!!

*unleashes desperate final attack*

f'n Battletoads level 3 Bike sequence! Roll the credits!


And with that I shall remain undefeated as Final Boss.

Dedicated to the brave men and women who lost their lives in the great NES Wars of the '80s and early 90s

If you've made it this far then you are truly the Champ, Little Mac.

Now here's a word from two-time ear biter Mike Tyson!

heheheh, finger speed

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