Your First Experience


No, this is not a collection of Penthouse-esque letters, unfortunately. But I do want to know...

What was your first experience playing video games?

The first game I can remember playing was when I was about 4 and living in Illinois. This would be about 1990. My neighbors had an Atari system and what I believe was a copy of 1942. Needless to say, I've always loved those types of overhead-perspective scrolling shooters.

What about all of you?
Hell if I can remember the first experience I've had. But I sure do remember the Coleco. A.K.A. my gaming gateway drug. Sad thing is this was roughly 20 years ago, and I still remember not getting past the damn first level of Smurfs. ****ing Gargamel and his ****ing picket fences. **** that guy.
i cant remember if it was my first. but my earliest memory of gaming was when my older bros had an amiga and i played space invaders on it, then got addicted!
My first arcade experience was the ninja turtles arcade game (I think... either that or some shooter game, I played a lot of different games that day). The one where april has those massive boobs.

First home console experience was with my babysitter's NES. I think I was 6 at the time. My first game was Double Dragon. I loved going over her place because she had a crapload of atari and NES games. That was basically all I did while I was over there, play video games. Well, aside when we had bible study together. No video games in the bible. :(
One of my dad's business partner bought me the original Gameboy back in the day. That thing was 40 pounds and only had Tetris, but it was awesome. I can't think of anything before that.
First experience was playing Sonic on the Genesis when I was 3. I'd run to the left and then start crying because I couldn't get anywhere. :(
First experience? The original "Theme Park", and also various Disney "storybook" titles, if they were ever called games!
One of my first, if not THE first game I played was that strange bumper car game they put on the Windows 95 CD.

I also got a disc "America's Greatest: 101 Games Compilation". 101 shareware demos of gaming goodness. Commander Keen, Doom, Wolfenstein, Spear of Destiny, Castle of the Winds, BioMenace, Duke Nukem 2 and other such great titles.
I remember my first time. It was a game on the SEGA Genesis that I used to play at my friend's place all the time. Streets of Rage! I loved that game, brings back some good memories...

The first game I ever owned was Spyro The Dragon for the playstation. Man, that game owned so much.
Super Mario World for the SNES. I also had an old Atari that I may have played before, but I don't recall. Sufficient to say I got hooked from day one.
Mario, on the NES...Or maybe it was Zelda, but i remeber playing mario, and the duck shot game thing that came with it, sweet.
Good time, good times...
first time

i'm pretty sure my first experience of playing video games was when i was about 3 or 4 and i started playing Super Mario Bros. on the original game boy - you know that big fat chunky one, that weighed like 10 kilos.
I think it was a NES. We got in back in the mid 90s from these people who didn't want it anymore and I can't even remember what it was called. Was fun for a day or so though.

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