Why can't women drive?


  • Because they're too busy putting on make-up

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  • They went to "Shavin-Asian Driving School"

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  • Sometimes they forget which is the gas and which is the break

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're on their periods.

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I was happily driving home along thiis frozen wasteleand known as Canada when I was struck by a women who T-Boned me,

I'm ok, the car will be too after repairs, but it begs to ask why are women such horrible drivers???
We're in the T-Bone club! I've also been T-Boned while driving. By a dude on his period! Company's car, though, in my case. woohoo! But yeah, that sucks. Gotta go knock on some wood.
I can't speak for everyone else, but I find because I'm so irresistible women can't help but fixate on me, obviously undressing me with their eyes, and in their lust they forget the basics of motorized vehicle usage.

I bow before the world and humbly offer my apologies, if not for this magnificent package between my legs, women would be free to focus on their driving
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
Prove it.

Now it's your turn, Icepick. Anyone who talks about their junk on the forums knows the rules: Nelson asks you to prove it.
It happened to me, it happened to Stal, it happened to Slick Benjamin. Now it happens to you. Prove it.
And so it was written, etc., etc...
GR Cares:
Did you know FTG's original quote wasn't "Prove it"? It was actually "Whip it out then".
That's shitty BlackStar. How much is the car gonna cost? Sue her for it! You gotta learn something from 'Merica. Might as well profit from it.
It's funny, but despite driving for less time I'm easily a much better driver than both of my sisters.

I think it's because women have trouble just paying attention to the road and have to be focusing on a bunch of little things at once. Also, they never check their mirrors.
My mom just drives too fast. Oh, and Longo was right about mirrors. She wouldn't have know cops were flashing their lights behind her if it wasn't for me looking at the mirrors.
That's what always gets me about how men get charged more than women for car insurance even though studies have come out showing women get in more car accidents. Talk about sexism, Charge men more because you believe they are bigger risk takers instead of going by real data.

As for why this is, Ive read women having less iron in their brains correlates to having worse spatial awareness. Other studies point to the way in which female brains take in visual information. And don't get me wrong just because they have worse innate abilities in this doesn't mean they don't make up for it in other areas in life or that a girl cant be a great driver. We may treat each other the same but we are still biologically different.

As for everyone, stop doing things that take your eyes off the road, like makeup on in the car, Texting and driving is a bad idea as well.

I remember being in California everyone feels like they are a stunt driver for some reason. If they can pull it off without wrecking then its their skill. Man Im glad to be off those roads.
I personally think it's more or a lack of understanding what they're doing. I find even my male friends who have no idea what the hell a car's all about understand that they're operating 1.5-2.5tons of steel and plastic traveling at over 30m/s and attempting to keep perfect control of that much force with some shit we get of trees made into a circle. Internal combustion is nothing more than a series of explosions, and understeer + oversteer exist.

Combine that with guys constantly checking the mirrors because we're never not speeding, and you understand that we tend to take driving more of a thing in itself, not something you can do while doing other things like texting or spacing out or shit.

That's not to say all women are bad drivers. My mum holds oversteer better than my bitch ass does, and this is because she drove big V8 muscle cars all throughout the 80s, and a modified 351w bronco in the last 90s/early 00s.
My sister in law, however, has totaled a shitton of cars and simply does not know how to drive. My normal sister doesn't crash cars, but that's because she's bloody insane. I'm the teenage male in the family and her driving scares the shit out of me. All throttle all the time, and when there's a gap maybe big enough for a bicycle - that shit's hers.

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