When Advertisers Cross the Line and Control Your Stuff


Yesterday, a Burger King commercial was released that attempted to make devices which respond to the voice command "OK Google" search for information on the Whopper burger. This made the devices read out information from the Whopper's Wikipedia article which, get this, Burger King edited prior to the commercial's airing so that it described the burger in a promotional way.

https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?ti ... =773585358

In response to this, several users vandalized the article themselves, making it list some of the burger's ingredients as cyanide, rat meat, and toenail clippings. Some people have reported that the commercial successfully caused their devices to read aloud this (more accurate) information.

Does this remind you of anything?

I'm glad this debacle was ended quickly, but it's a frightening reminder of how aggressively stupid and arrogant big business can be.
Hmm.. Very interesting but not surprising considering our current presidential administration is not only characterized by unethical business practices, but also filled to the brim with the sleazy, slimy invertebrates who, by killing environmental regulations, have turned the swamp into a cesspool.
Worst fast food chain and shit company do something stupid that pisses people off. Sounds about right.

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