We're a goddamned family here, NOW ACT LIKE IT!


Everyone Wears a Mask

Gather 'round everyone. Sit. Now that we've opened our gifts and had our coffee I wanted to sit us all down as a family and talk about what we value before we begin dinner. I SAID BEFORE UGH! Put the cake down! I promised Craig he could cut it with his hand and then use the icing to draw with.Thanks.. Good, I'm glad we could all be here for this - it really means a lot to me that you all came. I invited some others but I don't think Daniel is going to make it sadly. Actually, is this him pulling up in the driveway?! Goodie! Oh, no.. Its Madster bumping Iggy Azealia in a bright yellow loud piped Impreza. Hey dude - don't park on my lawn, WTF! Sheesh..

Ok lets bow our heads and hold hands..HK grab WickedLiquid's GODDAMNED HAND! thats better.. Dear Jehovah, thank you for being born on the Winter Solstice and for everything you.. what the hell is that? Is someone kicking me?... Eyebrows.. can you tell your fiance to stop trying to play footsie with me under the table? I'd really appreciate it. Anyway, Thanks for everything you have given to us this year - Episodic FFVII, Gamergate, The Order, backwards compatibility, and GBs & GBs of DLC. Whats that Heath? Oh yea, and region locking.. As we look forward to next year please allow us to continue to love one another and bond over shitty gaming experiences. In the name of Geoff Kieghly, NickTan and AnthonySeverino, Amen.

MATTay was kind enough to bring us some Bangers straight from the UK, and also provided the table's eye candy for this evening as well - in the form of his qtpie gf. wassup girl ;). Used was also kind enough to bring us some deep southern cooking, but no talking about politics at the table tonight, ok?

Okay folks, dig in! After you eat lets head into the living room with StickyGreenGamer who has brought us the dankest kush to consume while we play Smash brothers. Sorry Sourdeez after last years coughing fit we wont be smoking your stash this year. You can smoke it and contribute to the hotboxing of the living room though while we play Smash. YES! We're playing Smash Longo sorry, no one else wants to play Ori and the Blind Forest you little hipster fa.. -- .... What the hell is that stain!? Is that puke!? Bret!!!!.. I think one of your kids just puked on the living room carpet while I was praying! Yep, definitely one of yours since I see Fruit Loop chunks in there. The vacuum and the 409 are in the hallway closet. Actually, cohenmarshall52 you're new to the family so you're on Puke and dishes duty.. sorry mate.

What is that smell!?! *sniffs around* GreenLantern!? da fuq? I'm not even going to ask man, the bathroom's back there.. just take care of it.

While they're cleaning and we're eating - lets go around the table with De-Ting's daily challenge and let everyone know what your best gift is and what you're thankful for this holiday season. Links we'll start with you and you can't say TechRaptor, Fallout 4 or Twitch... StudioTan, what are you doing - stop "quoting" me. Put your hands down! cut it out - dude seriously. If you want to go talk you can just talk, you dont need to quote everyone... dont make me kick you out.

Alright.. well..

Dig in guys!

Is UnitedGamer really playing a mobile game at the table right now?.. Jesus.. its Candy Crush, and I only know because he just sent me an invite on FB.. dude, get out. GET OUT!

WHO THE FUCK IS RINGGING MY DOOR LIKE THE GODDAMN PO-LEESE!?!?! I'm too high to answer the door, but I might need to sneak out the back real quick - "YO JUST JIGGLE THE LOCK BRO - ITS OPEN!"

Haaaa C-Nate, wassup man.. I'm sure I said Noon but whatever, and ... you brought a ..Viking sheild?! How quaint... well, umm.. the cakes all gone but theres still some mac n cheese left. Wanna hit this blunt?


We didn't think you'd make it, but glad you did man! Question: did you see DanielBischoff out there? I thought he said he was coming, but ..kanyeshrug.jpg.
C_nate said:

Hope everyone's having a good holiday. I'm just relaxing with some beer and Fallout and later on will enjoy a Christmas bounty of leftover Chinese food.

Turn off the lights and the console!! Turn down the music, get on the floor, and turn off the lights Paradox is walking up the front pathway and is about to ring the doorbell.. Lay still! If we're quiet he'll think we're sleep, nvm the cars in the driveway.

Green_Lantern said:
WickedLiquid said:
Merry Christmas everyone.

I'm not good at toasts or speeches so I'll let Ricky say one for me.

Fuckin' greasy!

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
Also, I wifed her, you're behind:
Longo_2_guns said:
Orange is a good color for her.
Master_Craig said:
I'm not going to cut the cake.

I'mma gonna eat it. Hur hur hur.

Paradox... is at... the... dooor...

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