Three things.


1. I've made a commitment to create a Bible (What I mean by Bible) of sorts for a game I'm creating, however, I'm a hardcore Procrastinator and Perfectionist, how shall I overcome this?

2. The Computer I'm currently using, is just fucking weird, If I happen to leave it on standby even for a few minutes, it starts lagging out of nowhere, It's constant too, Every second it basically pauses and computer fucks up the music I'm listening to. (Notes constantly repeat themselves.) How the hell do I fix this?

3. Xbox live Party anyone?

EDIT: The reason I didn't make separate topics for these is because I don't feel like becoming another Topic whore like TNO.
1.) Like, the fallout bible, etc?
I don't think Interplay made the fallout bibles, some other rando did. So you should probably wait to find some kids with a deep passion for your game, and a lot of extra time, to write it for you.

2.) Change your power settings so it doesn't go on standby, or at least takes a longer time before doing so. Depending on your OS it's in different places within your settings, but always in your control panel.

3.) umm, tomorrow? "Way 0ut Imports" is the GT.
keepithowitis said:
1.) Like, the fallout bible, etc?
I don't think Interplay made the fallout bibles, some other rando did. So you should probably wait to find some kids with a deep passion for your game, and a lot of extra time, to write it for you.
Yeah, Somewhat like the fallout bible, Basically just a reference document so I don't forget anything, like dates, places, etc.
And HELL NO. I like mah creative freedom.

2.) Change your power settings so it doesn't go on standby, or at least takes a longer time before doing so. Depending on your OS it's in different places within your settings, but always in your control panel.
Good Idea, But I forgot to mention it starts lagging randomly as I described when I'm just at youtube listening to something, Mostly when my browser starts freezing up.

3.) umm, tomorrow? "Way 0ut Imports" is the GT.
Sweet, Mine's, You guessed it, miak757.
It's actually a pretty good idea to make a bible before you start forming the game, just so you don't forget any important details, and likely mix them up, which people will notice.

I actually started a bible for an idea I had for a game a while ago. And let me tell ya, if I had started working on it without writing down all the key elements, I would have ended up with a nonsensical piece of garbage. Like Naruto.
De-Ting said:
It's actually a pretty good idea to make a bible before you start forming the game, just so you don't forget any important details, and likely mix them up, which people will notice.
De-Ting said:
It's actually a pretty good idea to make a bible before you start forming the game, just so you don't forget any important details, and likely mix them up, which people will notice.

I actually started a bible for an idea I had for a game a while ago. And let me tell ya, if I had started working on it without writing down all the key elements, I would have ended up with a nonsensical piece of garbage. Like Naruto.

Not cool...Naruto is incredibly intricate in its plot. (In Naruto Shippuuden anyway)

My GT is BarnesBoar. But my net disconnects me from XBL every 20-odd minutes for some reason. Plus I dont have Gold right now, so I'm not exactly on much :p
My GT is BarnesBoar. But my net disconnects me from XBL every 20-odd minutes for some reason. Plus I dont have Gold right now, so I'm not exactly on much :p
Why don't you try to fix it?
I dont know how :?

My laptop never disconnects so I reckon it MIGHT be my adapter. But I'm not a huge online gamer anyways. I only really play Halo 3 and Worms.
miak757 said:
1. I've made a commitment to create a Bible (What I mean by Bible) of sorts for a game I'm creating, however, I'm a hardcore Procrastinator and Perfectionist, how shall I overcome this?

2. The Computer I'm currently using, is just f****** weird, If I happen to leave it on standby even for a few minutes, it starts lagging out of nowhere, It's constant too, Every second it basically pauses and computer fucks up the music I'm listening to. (Notes constantly repeat themselves.) How the hell do I fix this?

3. Xbox live Party anyone?

EDIT: The reason I didn't make separate topics for these is because I don't feel like becoming another Topic whore like TNO.

1. What game and how can we help?

2. Try Ad-Aware or screen it with anti-virus it may be hit with some spyware or something.

3. LinksOcarina86
Longo_2_guns said:
Well since this thread is stupid, hey MattAY! When you gonna fix your MSN?

It's fixed! I just haven't been on for a while. We can carry on our Persona 4 chat, or rather, you talking to me about how annoying Shadow Teddie is. Still not beaten him?
1. What game and how can we help?
As of right now it's more of an idea then an actual game, and most of that idea is just tucked away in my mind, and I'm bound to forget something important eventually, That's why I want to make a reference document, And As I've said, I'm a hardcore perfectionist and procrastinator, How shall I overcome this?

2. Try Ad-Aware or screen it with anti-virus it may be hit with some spyware or something.
Good Idea, I'll try it right away.

3. LinksOcarina86
Lovely, I'll add you the next time I'm on.

Well since this thread is stupid, hey MattAY! When you gonna fix your MSN?
Okay I don't know what to do with this topic...Move it to PC as you're asking for PC help or move it to the MS forum since you did mention XBL...Or move it to general gaming as you said you were making a game but did not specify which platform - Unless it's a board game.

Either way, I don't quite think miscellaneous is the place for it.

I'll place it in general gaming for now and if Sam wants to undermine my decision he is more than welcome to!

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