do you guys feel about the Wii and its future?


Sometimes I kinda get the impression you're not to into it. I think I remember your Okami review saying something about games "not needing fancy new controllers to be have cool mechanics" (hint hint) and it seems you've painted the front page with PS3 ads. Also, I remember you guys just not being too thrilled with the Wii at E3, saying only Madden used the Wiimote functions well.

This isn't a fanboy panic thing, just wondering if my impressions are correct.
Personally, I enjoy the mechanics of the Wii controller a lot. I'm excited to see how it gets implemented. I say that because of all the Wii games I've seen (except Twilight Princess) just aren't pushing that much content. Every bit of gameplay I've experienced has been really fun, but the depth isn't there yet. Most of these launch titles feel more like neat tech demos. In a few months, who knows? I'm no one's fanboy, but i hope the little bugger gets some good software.

To be fair, I don't think there's a whole lot of great PS3 games to be had right now either, aside from Resistance. Launches suck.
Basically, I'm afraid that Wii games will come in one of two flavors; simple, fun but shallow games based around the remote and nunchucks that you can play with your kid sister and your grandma, and multi-platform games that have worse graphics than the other two systems and have been dumbed down so you can use the remote with them. And the occasional Nintendo game.
I said that in the Okami review not because I prefer the PS2, but because Clover yet again demonstrated that they could do incredible new things with old technology.

Look at Viewtiful Joe. The 2D side scrolling action genre had been dead for how long?

They did the same with Okami, adapting a DS style drawing mechanic to a PS2 game.

We have nothing to do with the advertizing on the site, unless it sucks. Then we complain.

I suspect the Wii's future is very bright, especially thanks to the Nintendo DS. Nintendo already has several interesting and popular titles on their portable that will make for easy and successful ports to the Wii, and all the usual suspects (Smash Brothers, Metroid and Mario) should kick just as much ass as ever.

On top of that, the system comes with one of the season's most compelling and universally enjoyable titles free, right out of the box.
So, how long will it be before someone finds a way to put a Wii into a PC, seeing how it's the size of a CD drive.
Joe_Dodson said:
On top of that, the system comes with one of the season's most compelling and universally enjoyable titles free, right out of the box.

In that case then, can you do a reivew of it so we can acess the write our own review option, even if you give it no grade?
Voxen said:
Basically, I'm afraid that Wii games will come in one of two flavors; simple, fun but shallow games based around the remote and nunchucks that you can play with your kid sister and your grandma, and multi-platform games that have worse graphics than the other two systems and have been dumbed down so you can use the remote with them. And the occasional Nintendo game.

yea, I'm predicting the same thing... but we'll see as time passes.

although the simple fun games seem to be enough to satisfay. my friends have said you don't know until you actually play it.
i don't think it's giong to be the system for me, but i think nintendo is going to do very very well off the wii financially.

rather than get in the expensive slugfest with sony & ms again, they just took the gamecube, added a funky controller, and are reselling it at a profit. they're going to be laughing all the way to the bank.

Krowsnose said:
Voxen said:
Basically, I'm afraid that Wii games will come in one of two flavors; simple, fun but shallow games based around the remote and nunchucks that you can play with your kid sister and your grandma, and multi-platform games that have worse graphics than the other two systems and have been dumbed down so you can use the remote with them. And the occasional Nintendo game.

yea, I'm predicting the same thing... but we'll see as time passes.

although the simple fun games seem to be enough to satisfay. my friends have said you don't know until you actually play it.

Well, I have played it, and it's fun like an arcade game is fun. In that it isn't something that will keep you interested for long but it's great while it lasts. My recommendation would be to not buy a Wii, just convince a friend of yours to buy one and then use his.

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