SNK making child molesterí¢â‚¬â„¢s dream game

Wow. WTF? That's insane. Whatever happened to the good ol' days of throwing them off a cliff, or drowning them (witches)?

The biggest controversy will probably be who gets to review it at the GR compound, lol. :P

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The object of these games is to strip and grope young women in order to detect which ones are witches or human.

That is so wrong! Perhaps in Japan, that is acceptable in their culture but that game is likely to be exported to other countries too. Wrong, wrong, wrong. A pedophile's dream :?
Yeah TNO, just wasn't sure about one of those pics... Game Faqs to LueLinks to GR gets me all tangled up on whats acceptable and whats not.
I'm still waiting to read the part that says this is all a joke :?

Great, it's not enough that we have psycho killers blaming video games for their actions, now we'll have pedophiles also using them as a justification.

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