Shave, wax, or trim?


Of course, I'm referring to your nether regions, and the form of upkeep (or lack there of) that you conduct for aesthetic/personal reasons.

I myself have been trimming for years now, but only recently got a safety razor and decided to shave all the way down...the first few days were itchy as hell (though no nics or cuts) until I got a special aftershave that mitigated all irritation. Right now (about two weeks later) I have this very nice "carpet" look that is uniform in length and form.

I've thought about getting it waxed, but all my female friends tell me horror stories about the pain (though they still do it...) so I've been shying away from it.

How about ya'll?


P.S. And yes, you just read about my pubic hair. Deal with it.
FINALLY! A GR topic where we can talk about our wangs without giggling!

I Mostly trim them every 3-2 month but when it gets bothering i shave it off (the itching stop, it's a miracle!)
And if you do going to shave please at least take a took at this site:
I got lots of friends who after reading that, got it wrong for their entire life! And i suggest, i kid you not, to use baby oil after you finish shaving, it'll ease your skin to the new environment. If you can't find the right blades, swallow your pride and get a woman's razor. Trust me, it's made for sensible skin.

Glad i could help, bro! *Respek knuckles*
First a topic on girls with short hair, and now pubic hair trimmage?! Did a testosterone train smack you in the face?

With that being said, I'm a simple trim and shave man. I just use a disposable razor for downtown and leave short hair around basecamp - nothing fancy.
MattAY said:
First a topic on girls with short hair, and now pubic hair trimmage?! Did a testosterone train smack you in the face?

With that being said, I'm a simple trim and shave man. I just use a disposable razor for downtown and leave short hair around basecamp - nothing fancy.

Wait till you see my next topic!

(Hint: it has to do with Sophocles)

I used to shave every week, but then I stopped and just let it go. I figure, no one sees it anyway. I trim about once a month.
It's all a pain in the ass and seriously not worth the effort to maintain. Let it go, deal with it when you can/you want/it gets in the way/it prevents you from achieving your life dreams.

Unless you're seriously committed to gettin' some, in which case you may want to consider it, to be 'nice' or whatever.

Men's shaving and women's shaving is pretty much identical. It's kind of funny that these things are treated so differently sometimes.

P.S. - Also, we already had one of these threads going a little while ago, didn't we?
I'm calling your magnitude into question.

And from what I recall (noting that that I recall anything is absurdly creepy), none of you have changed your habits since.
BlackStar said:
Lethean said:
This topic is making me wonder if I'll get to finally close something this week.

I didn't know we were living in 1942 Germany...

Godwin's law (also known as Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies or Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies) is a humorous observation made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." In other words, Godwin observed that, given enough time, in any online discussion—regardless of topic or scope—someone inevitably criticizes some point made in the discussion by comparing it to beliefs held by Hitler and the Nazis.
BlackStar said:
Lethean said:
This topic is making me wonder if I'll get to finally close something this week.

I didn't know we were living in 1942 Germany...
I want this to be my new sig, but how can people tell this quote's from a topic about pubic hair
That and his saying that is kinda baseless. I mean, I said I *wonder*. For all we know someone will post a cock and balls pic that will force me to close this topic. Then it'd be kinda warranted wouldn't it?
I know right?

And seriously. It was a joke.

Oh and nothing wrong with a good trim every now and then.

I like to give myself a landing strip.

Another joke. Don't worry guys.

Don't want your SO to be singing "welcome to the jungle" when they head down there now do you?
Never shaved, hardly ever even trimm it. It somehow knows when to stop growing and turn into beautiful curls.
Nothing wrong with grooming.

I used to ask my gf's what their opinion was. Got a pretty good and honest opinion from one. Got a party invitation from the other....that was kind of weird.

Trimming is for maintenance, shaving is for someone special.

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