RIP Steve Jobs


I may not have liked apple very much, or Jobs himself, but his death can only be bad for the industry. Rest in peace.

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Wednesday, October 5, 2011 -- 7:42 PM EDT

Steven P. Jobs, Co-Founder of Apple, Dies

Steven P. Jobs, the co-founder of the technology company Apple Inc. who came to define the global digital culture at the outset of the 21st century, died, it was announced Wednesday.

On Aug. 24, Apple had announced that Mr. Jobs, who had battled cancer for several years, was stepping down as chief executive.
Eh....I don't care. Sucks that he died, he was a smart man and had a good eye for the future, but I honestly stopped caring about the deaths of celebrities I don't know personally.

So nothing personal Steve, sorry.
I'm not an apple person either (in fact I've been known to hate all their products) but he really did create some really unique and great products. The industry will carry on without him and I"m sure apple will still do fine. It won't be the same without him though.

Also anyone who just doesn't care cuz it's apple also remember without him there may not have been pixar today. At least not how we know it.
Guys, lets just take a moment here.

One of the most creative, inventive and overall brilliant people to ever bless society with his presence is dead. Someone who proved that all it takes is a single simple man to change the entirety of his craft. Lets just take a moment for him.


Now that we've taken a moment to remember Shakespeare, we can move on to the topic at hand.
Before I say my dickish comment R.I.P. If only apple would have an app to prolong your life.
What Jobs did was show that one person with a vision can change the technological and consumer landscape. It's pretty crazy.

I heard his Stanford commencement speech on the radio. There's somethings for the wise quotes thread.
56. That's young. And liver cancer is seriously one of the worst ways to go in my opinion. It's how my mom went.

My condolences to his family and the black shirt and pants retailers of the world.
DocMoc said:
used44 said:
Fucking cancer.

I know. What a bitch.

How about you contribute some of the vast sums of money you use to wipe your ass - to cancer research... Sound like a plan? ..or you can build a megaplex to polish youre own knob or people can polish it for you once youre gone.

He was a savvy business man. that's all. He sold you stuff, got you to buy his overpriced stuff (that became obsolete quickly after you bought it - with no upgrade capability so you would have to keep purchasing his CHINESE MADE junk), and he got you to LOVE HIM for selling you junk.

RIP Steve. A greater business man, there was not.
UrbanMasque said:
DocMoc said:
used44 said:
Fucking cancer.

I know. What a bitch.

How about you contribute some of the vast sums of money you use to wipe your ass - to cancer research... Sound like a plan?

Why hasn't anyone ever thought of this???
UrbanMasque said:
DocMoc said:
used44 said:
Fucking cancer.

I know. What a bitch.

How about you contribute some of the vast sums of money you use to wipe your ass - to cancer research... Sound like a plan? ..or you can build a megaplex to polish youre own knob or people can polish it for you once youre gone.

He was a savvy business man. that's all. He sold you stuff, got you to buy his overpriced stuff (that became obsolete quickly after you bought it - with no upgrade capability so you would have to keep purchasing his CHINESE MADE junk), and he got you to LOVE HIM for selling you junk.

RIP Steve. A greater business man, there was not.

"There has long been speculation that an anonymous $150 million donation to the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of California, San Francisco may have come from Mr. Jobs."
UrbanMasque said:
How about you contribute some of the vast sums of money you use to wipe your ass - to cancer research... Sound like a plan? ..or you can build a megaplex to polish youre own knob or people can polish it for you once youre gone.

I'm game but only if you match my contribution with your bum-wiping money.

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