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Everyone Wears a Mask
I just found out about this today after seeing it on Yahoo News. What do you guys know about the gaming system OnLive. It sounds promising, but I'm always skeptical of playing games without inserting the actual game cartridge or disk.

Can anyone add anyting or enlighten me further?
As far as I know, it streams the game off the internet. The concept is cool, but I doubt it would work too well in execution. Like, you would need super fast internet to play just about any game. And I'm sure it would be hard to play online, considering how your internet needs to be just to do that.
But they claim that you cam play mirrors edge, crysis, and GTA 4. If they really want people to buy their product they've got to give more details than "streaming game play."
As far as I can tell, it is just a small little box that streams the games from the internet. I doubt it will deliver the massive blow to the industry that they say it will, but the concept is pretty cool.
It's either a box plugged into your TV or a 1MB addon to your internet browser that streams games for you. Basically forget about pimping out your PC, forget about console exclusivity, as long as it's a third-party game, OnLive will have it, to a degree.

Currently there are 9 publishers working with them, including EA Games and Take Two Interactive. The youtube video interview (parts 1 and 2) and the actual system demo as of GDC 2009 are linked below. ... re=related (interview part 1) (interview part 2) ... re=related (video demo)
Sounds intriguing. I can see this failing very quickly, however. I think people are going to be able to crack the system and get all this for free.
I just don't think people will be torn from their xbox's and playstations (I know I won't be - especially with my connection).
the idea for it has potential, most definitely. but i feel the lag issue will be a problem, though they say there is no lag. i can't count how many times i've been watching a streaming movie just to have it buffer out. i think this will be nothing more than a novelty and quickly pass.

unless they market it to casual gamers, those idiots will buy anything novel
This is a pretty awesome idea that I bet will be implemented later, maybe in the next generation of consoles. For now, though, streaming games at a high quality requires a stupid fast connection, which some people have but most people don't. America is quickly catching up, but right now broadband isn't even close to being available and owned by every gamer. This won't be threatening the Xbox or PS3 on the market just yet.

This would probably kick ass in Korea or somewhere, if they didn't just play cheap MMOs.
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