Oh masters, impart unto me wisdom! Video Game Journalism


Please, any help you can render, tips or advice on getting into the industry as a game reviewer would be greatly appreciated. Obviously I understand I may have to start without pay, which is fine, I understand I have to start somewhere.

Things like location, is it wiser to move to california? Personal experience is welcome. I am really considering a career that can put my writing talents to some use, something I would enjoy doing, and be good at while still allowing me personal time to pursue my own ambitions in writing as well. Thanks so much guys, the staff here is really what makes this place great.

I'm no GRandmaster, but I know that I'll be taking every single user review that I've written and liked, and every single blog that I've written and liked in my portfolio when I apply for jobs in the gaming industry. Try writing some of those here. If you write them on this site, the second you click "submit" you've been published, and usually you need to be published to be taken seriously in the world of journalism. I might even take my RDR review to a local newspaper along with some of my other work on this site to try and get a job during the school year. Who knows where it'll lead?
I was going to wait till I'm famous in the video game industry, then produce my own TV show where I review every game I own.
Damn you De-Ting! Thats my plan!

As far as breaking into it...ive been trying for years. I am doing some writing as a contributor to the website Angry Bananas, but they are basically the extensions of my own writing here. In fact, most of it is actually what I put as user reviews anyway, since they have no formal contract and don't pay me.

So it's a on the side thing. To be honest I kinda am gunning for the Vox Pop prize because I would love to be a contributor on GR. Yeah it won't pay either, but I do expect a tad more exposure on here than an up and coming website that rarely updates :(.
You may not get paid Links, but it does sound exciting knowing you will get promotion codes for unreleased games if you win this epic prize.
I enjoy reading schimmel's Zombienation entry, it was loquacious and well thought-out.
indeed, it does help to live in the sf bay area of california. most industry events (like the dj hero 2 event last night) happen here. most times, you will indeed have to start writing for free or mostly free (i'm looking at you destructoid), however, if you work hard at it and make all the right contacts, you can eventually get a real job. it's a very incestuous industry.
Duke_Ferris said:
indeed, it does help to live in the sf bay area of california. most industry events (like the dj hero 2 event last night) happen here. most times, you will indeed have to start writing for free or mostly free (i'm looking at you destructoid), however, if you work hard at it and make all the right contacts, you can eventually get a real job. it's a very incestuous industry.

Incestous ... I really do like that word. :P
My advice is simply to learn how to write well. Not just grammar or style books, but books that enlighten on why certain constructions work better than others, why some words are weak, and how to keep your writing fresh, personal, and clear. As an editor, I'm always looking for writers who understand and demonstrate the craft.

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