No Man's Sky - is it worth the return?


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I've read online that No Man's Sky has undergone some pretty big changes, including base building, creating portals to go to different worlds (so essentially linking worlds and paths together), a Minecraft style "creative" mode (e.g. unlimited resources) and now a multiplayer mode... of sorts.

Do you think it's worth the return to re-download and replay? I've been tempted to check it out.
I re-downloaded No Man's Sky, as I originally bought it on PSN.

The updates are... certainly different.

I'm playing creative mode at the moment as I honestly like making stuff (which is why I like Minecraft so much, I guess, same goes with Fallout 4's settlement system, despite its flaws). I'm just making a random base and things. Creative mode gives you unlimited resources of everything, as well as unlimited health, so you can just go around and do whatever you want.

Not too keen to play on the regular mode, though.
At launch the game was fun for a couple hours. It was really the monotony that hampered it. Now that it's received a few updates I feel like it's recommendable, especially for people who want to play a space sim but don't want to commit dozens of hours to an Elite: Dangerous.
It's not bad.

I'm liking the base building aspect. Apparently on normal mode, building bases is an incredibly time consuming process (to gather resources and such), but building bases in creative mode is super easy and personally, kinda fun.

You can also build teleporters to teleport from space stations to other bases, meaning you can visit other worlds quickly.

I'm lazy and impatient, plus I like making stuff, so I'm really enjoying the creative mode of No Man's Sky.
I played No Man's Sky over the weekend for PS4, playing on the creative mode and now I'm a little over it.

Base building is actually quite small. Yes, you're given a generous amount of room to build a base but unfortunately, the limit of how much you can actually build is quite small. On creative mode especially, it's quite quick and easy to reach your building limit... and when you think about it, a base's limit is actually quite small. It doesn't really feel like a base but more or less... a small outpost.

On top of that, you may only build and own one base at a time. If you find another habitable base location, whether it's on the same planet, a different planet or even in a different system, and then you choose to build a new base, your old base will be deleted. If you're playing on normal mode, all of your resources will transfer over across for you to build again, but it's kinda sucky that you can only have one base at a time.
I liked the game when it originally came out, and I still think everybody just overhyped themselves for the most part. Even if it's been receiving big updates/improvements, it's unlikely I'll be returning anytime soon (if ever), since new games mean new distractions/obsessions!
I've uninstalled the game, so uh... it was nice to play for a week or so.

Pretty disappointed about the base building (and I love building stuff in games). Small bases, little variety and what's sucks the most is you can only have one base at a time.

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