Look What I Found!


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I was cleaning out crap underneath my bed (basically where my pile of crap goes), and I found what can only be described as a box of memories!

In there were my old football trophies as a kid, my old "diaries" from when I was in school (one of which contained the worked out hours, minutes & seconds I had been with my girlfriend at the time [yes, I'm single now]). I even found an old page from a porn mag! (the whole mag would be too obvious you see /pro).
I also found a few PS1 games that I thought I'd lost forever, one of them being Music! Anyone play that? GREAT game! I started it up, only to realise I still have a saved song on my memory card! Note that this would be over ten years ago I saved this song! WOW - WERE TIME TRAVELLING RIGHT NOW!

I, of course, uploaded the fuck out of it:

Prepare your ears for rape...the good kind.

I ask you, look for your box of memories if you still have it, and tell me what you found! It can be anything...
I've never played that game, but it looks quite good.. I like the song too ;)

I have a memory box that I made, I used to collect things like brochures and train tickets etc from travelling. I got to the point where I had that much it was ridiculous and just had a bonfire one night. I had like 4 old diarys and I read through some of them but chucked them into the fire too. Can't really remember what I have in there now, but its more the sort of things I dont want to get rid of. Generally I hate clutter anyways so I can't have a bunch of junk around my room
Awesome, MattAY. I have a baby book that's filled with achievements and other stuff like couple of 2 dollar bills. Anyways, it's that time of the year again in the U.S where tornadoes happen often. This I remembered and wanted to share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11GQjIaPD4Y
Reminds me we should have another GR plays Draw Something again. Those were fun times in chat.
Never played it, heard about it though. Enjoy it Matty.

Boxes of memories exist in my closet, its mostly books though, my games are on display at the moment.
Dude that was great. Reminds me of drug use in the late 90s right before the millennium.

Did you make this song in that game? You should try your hand with some pro software. Id love to listen to it.
UghRochester said:
Awesome, MattAY. I have a baby book that's filled with achievements and other stuff like couple of 2 dollar bills. Anyways, it's that time of the year again in the U.S where tornadoes happen often. This I remembered and wanted to share. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11GQjIaPD4Y
Reminds me we should have another GR plays Draw Something again. Those were fun times in chat.

My favorite part was the correct use of "you're" right next to "ove"
That was cool Matt! Get Sound Shapes already, me thinks you'd like it.

Oh, get a Vita first.

I had a 90's time capsule burried in my mom's backyard from 1991. It was complete with a casette tape of Pearl Jam's album Ten, Issue #1 of X-Men (volume 2), some TMNT action-figures, and a bunch of other cool things.

I dug it up once my mom sold her house and now it's somewhere in my storage closet. I regret that and I wish I'd have just left it alone.
Haha thankyou for your kind, sarcastic words people!

Wicked, Pearl Jam Ten was one of my favourite albums growing up!
"Why go Hooome...Why Go Hooome"
I was being a stalker last night watching some of your other videos on youtube Mattay, your Far Cry 3 videos are too funny!!
I wouldn't consider that stalking. What I do is probably stalking, but I feel it's just me being friendly. I add people from here on Facebook in hopes of a accepted request. My planned failed when adding Longo and Judy.
Ha, thanks Dobs. You all heard it, Dobby's stalking me :cool:.

I might put all newer games on hiatus for a while though. The lack of 16:9 is starting to really bug me!

Does no one else have any memories! CRAP, I want to learn some dark secrets about you guys.

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