Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, Robin laid an egg...


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...the Batmobile, broke its wheel, and the Joker got awaaay-HEY!

It's fucking Christmaaaaaaaaaaaas! I'm off work until the 6th January now. Got nothing to do tomorrow but prepare my stomach for the bodyweight of food and alcohol that will be consumed.

I also just found my PS2 and a copy of FFX. WAHAAAAY!

SO! What are your plans? Are you joining family? Or hosting your own meal? Or are you alone? If alone, I invite you to the MattAY family house for a meal of kings with a barrage of family board and card games post-feast (Ugh, please don't actually arrive). In terms of gaming gifts, I'm expecting Diablo 3.

New Years plans? Are you having, as Deez would say, a rad party? I'm heading to Paris for a night with the Frenchies and a few days looking at a shitty ironwork tower (I'll snapchat it, guys;)).
So you're saying you no longer have an excuse not to play Persona 4? And if you get Diablo 3 for the 360 I'll co op with you!

For Christmas I'm going to be home but for New Years I will be in Denver, CO should it should be a pretty good time.
Just bought Minecraft as an early present for the boys and anticipate doing nothing but that forth enemy couple months.
Green_Lantern said:
So you're saying you no longer have an excuse not to play Persona 4? And if you get Diablo 3 for the 360 I'll co op with you!


And yeah, I guess I don't have an excuse now :O
Growing up we always opened our gifts Christmas eve night. So really to me Christmas eve feels like the holiday, Christmas day is just a day to play with your new video games and ignore family.

'Tis the season, Bong hits for Jesus! (I grew up in a religious family)

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you MattAY. Your gf is interfering with out Halo 4 dates. I'm getting absolutely nothing for Christmas except love. Like, my mom stopped down last night and woke me up. She came inside with 3-4 boxes of food, bag of clementines (never heard of those, but they're baby oranges?) and apples. I just cried and really couldn't accept all of this kindness. You guys have to understand and please don't judge me, I've been living off of frozen dinners and Papa John's pizzas. Being able to have actual food for once and able to cook it is just great. Her mom told her the essentials of life is: bread, eggs, and milk. I'm just happy I was able to cook potatoes this morning.

I'll be mostly home all day on Christmas. Most likely trying to get all trophies in Resogun or get a higher score. My goal is to get in the top hundreds.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/ ... 7756_o.jpg
Mind you, the top score of all time is way bigger than that.
Merry Xmas to all!


I plan on maybe seeing a movie tomorrow.

Ugh,there's nothing wrong with Frozen Dinners, & Papa Johns except that maybe they're more expensive in the long run than groceries. IF people want to give you gifts, accept them! I have no problem taking shit from people, but that was really nice of your mom - is she staying with you? Why dont you travel up to her for Xmas! I'm sure she'd like it

When in doubt everyone needs to remember!
UrbanMasque said:
Ugh,there's nothing wrong with Frozen Dinners, & Papa Johns except that maybe they're more expensive in the long run than groceries. IF people want to give you gifts, accept them! I have no problem taking shit from people, but that was really nice of your mom - is she staying with you? Why dont you travel up to her for Xmas! I'm sure she'd like it
Yeah, the thing is I don't like having leftovers. I'm a single person and like having a variety of foods. I'm not doing anything during the day at my Mom's, because she'll be sleeping. I'm going to visit her later on in the night.
To all of you with moms in your lives, give them an extra hug. The holidays are always a little bitter sweet without mine. That being said, assembling toys is a beeeeetch.
Bretimus_v2 said:
To all of you with moms in your lives, give them an extra hug. The holidays are always a little bitter sweet without mine. That being said, assembling toys is a beeeeetch.
Yeah, for me it's always rough since my mom's birthday was always right before Christmas, and before she passed away we would always have a big party to prepare for Christmas.
Without it, Christmas just doesn't feel the same.

Still, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all have a great time with whoever or whatever you love.
I woke up too early with allergy problems, went back to sleep, and ended up being the last one up. We had our family get-together already, so the big dinner was a big lunch instead. Lots of people have to work today, sadly. The only other thing I have lined up today is a video chat with my dad, stepmom, sister and stepbrother, across the continent.

I watched this today, too.


Gonna watch Despicable Me 2 tonight with my mom and brother.

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