Guilty pleasures


post your guilty pleasures in hurr.

I love these 2 shows. I'm a 19 year old straight male.


lokness said:
I'm a 19 year old straight male.

Are you sure? :p

I'm obviously crazy for Naruto, One Piece etc.

Also, I've recently discovered I'm a whore for quiche! I keep buying quiche lorraine, and I swear right now, I have a quiche a day at the moment!



Next time you see me I will be large.
Lokness, too much of Go! is a bad thing.
Block channel 88 at all times, unless there is a wicked awesome movie on (which they do occasionally) or south park.

Donno why, but if I'm in a shitty mood I can slap her 2 albums on repeat and I eventually become calm. My wife hates it, my kids love it and she's the complete opposite of what I'm attracted too. Ha!
You're not attracted to cute little white girls who bake cookies with their moms and get their mic taken by drunk black men who think Beyonce had one of the best music videos of all time?

I love Glee.
D&D, I made fun of people who play it for my whole life. Then I had a roommate who bet me dinner and cleaning the kitchen that I wouldn't like it. DAMN HIM!!!
Trippysmurf said:
You're not attracted to cute little white girls who bake cookies with their moms and get their mic taken by drunk black men who think Beyonce had one of the best music videos of all time?

I love Glee.

Close .. skinny blonde chicks, not my style .. white chicks that bake on the other hand!! oh wait, i married one of those!
Bretimus_v2 said:
D&D, I made fun of people who play it for my whole life. Then I had a roommate who bet me dinner and cleaning the kitchen that I wouldn't like it. DAMN HIM!!!

if you had ever played and liked a BioWare RPG you were cursed to like DnD anyway. Just accept it, the game is a blast, as you have clearly found out.

As for me, I play Rock Band. I know a lot of people do, but it took me forever to come around and fall for it. I still don't tell people right away, but if they come to my house the drum kit and the Rock Band-o-Caster are some of the first thing people see
I've played D&D since high school and still collect Magic cards. I also have a pretty impressive collection of L5R, Star Wars and Star Trek cards (and some Pokemon. Fuck yeah holofoil Zapdos). RPG-wise I've also played Exalted, oWoD (2nd and Third Editions), Deadlands and Savage Worlds. I used to play HeroClicks and Mechwarrior: Dark Age. I have painted some Orks for Warhammer 40k and Tomb Kings for Warhammer.

KotOR was based off of Star Wars d20, so yeah.
^Trippy, you get a gold star for mentioning the game. I was making fun of him when he pointed out that I played KotOR to death and he informed me of the overlap.
I enjoy pop songs from the 90s that I liked as a little kid, but if they came out now, I would hate them.

Example: S Club 7
^ If it helps, I'm listening to Zebrahead;s Panty Raid album. Which is their remakes of all girly songs - EG Mickey, Girlfriend and fucking Trouble!! (the latter is AWSUM)
I don't think people should have to feel guilty for enjoying things they like. Especially quiche! Maybe if you get your kicks out of say, smoking meth and burning down a no-kill animal shelter that would constitute as a "guilty pleasure" but these seem to be "things I like that are inconsistent with their target audience" or "things I like that other people may not admit to liking."
Rakon said:
I enjoy pop songs from the 90s that I liked as a little kid, but if they came out now, I would hate them.

Example: S Club 7

yeah! or like everclear? 3rd eye Blind?
sometimes when i'm lonely i grab a bottle of my moms oatmeal and soothing menthol aveeno moisturizer, dim the lights, get completely naked, and read MattAY's posts.

othertimes i like to be stripped naked, all except my spider man boxer shorts while being forced to eat raw pig and spanked with sausage links.

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