GR Survivor: IT'S ALL OVER!


Lien, HK-47, and Squirrels resumed their tracking. It wasn't long before they ran directly into Bretimus, Links, and Green_Lantern.

"Ahh! It's a Japzillian!" Screamed HK, and readied his weapon for an all-out battle.

"Calm down," shouted Bretimus. "We're here tracking down the Others. They took Ugh a couple nights ago and we figured it was the best way to get him back."

"No shit," said Lien, "that's exactly what we're doing too. We figure we can take them out as long as we have the element of surprise!"

"Well, we could probably do this all better if we worked together." Said Links, with blood stains on his chin.

"What's up with that guy?" asked HK

"For some reason he's really been into drinking rabbits' blood lately. I have no idea why" explained Green_Lantern.

10000_Squirrels, who had been quiet until now, suddenly spoke up, "you three seem trustworthy! I do believe we should work together. Let's start building a camp!"

"But what do we call ourselves?" questioned Bretimus

"Why team JUGGERNAUT!" shouted HK

"No, too Marvel..." replied Links. "How about team VENGEANCE!"

And thus, the merge happened. Two opposing forces are now one. Good luck, folks.


Day 6

Your first task is to assign a hunter, a gatherer, a cook, a shelterer, a doctor, and a blacksmith. That's right guys, you all get new jobs.
Um... Alright, multiple questions. First, do we assign through committee or though "I called it first!" Second, do we still have two daily actions, or one? Third, It's a free-for-all now right?
Dibs on hunter! (If it's the second option)
I have preferences, references, epic weapons of epicness and tales of my glorious combat.

I'm pretty much Canderous Ordo, except I'm not of the clan Ordo.
it's a dibbs idea, first come, first serve. It's now one action per day, and yes, in terms of immunity it is now a free-for-all. You still have to work together to make the story work though
Oh... then... Dibs on the doctor! Get me my dose of penicilin. NOW!

... I need my fix... bad...
I wish to lobby for the hunter position, mainly because I have yet to fail at capturing a prey for our team.

And hell, I have a sword and shield damnit.
I will become the cook since no one is taking it! And once people stop bickering about who's the hunter and someone actually goes to get me fresh meat I will cook the meat up for all to eat.
By the power of Greyskull....

oh wait, wrong power.

*brandishes sword* let's get hunting folks, who wants to join me!??! There is rabbit and goat out there with our lips on it! And once we slay our prey, and our bellies are filled with goats meat, we will be rejuvenated once more! WHO IS WITH ME!!!!!

As the new gatherer, at least....wait....

Well, it looks like I need to drop the sword :(.....time for the picnic basket! Heh, good thing this isn't Jellystone.

Lets go be gay and pick some berries and seeds for us to snack's natures scraps, you know.
I guess I'm the shelterer... Most expendable :( Ach well.

I build a fantabulous shelter, made from only the finest human remains. With a prime skin roof and bone framing and bone supports, we can put these sacrificial dead bodies to use! :) I also constructed a water gathering system using halves of skulls and hollowed-out spines, with coverings made from skin, to make good use of rain water... If that's allowed... :oops: Humans are so great for making buildings out of. 8)

I'm still pissed that you guys chose Vengeance instead of Venture. We could have been yelling out "Go Team Venture!"

Nothing was mentioned specifically, but to double check people have weapons, are there tools for the shelterer?
I don't have any Shelterer tools... I was a Blacksmith/Hunter/Gatherer in the first camp, and only got shelterer at the very end. But does a shelterer need tools? :oops:
Yes, I make you tools, an 8-bit Hammer Bros. hammer, and M. Bison screwdriver attack screwdriver, and whatever else I can get with this daily action. I will also prepare some water for drinking and have some delicious water.
I also will eat whatever LInks or HK brings back after GL prepares it.
Yes, I also eat and drink when possible. And we now have a fortress made from the remains of our sacrificed friends, using the mighty tools forged for me by the great Japazillian, Bretimus! :twisted:

Edit: Is my water-collector made from skulls, spinal cords and tracheas allowed? :(
Man, I never thought berry picking could soothe my soul so let's bring back some delicious treats for us all to munch on!

Hmm....this giant red berry looks delicious...lemme have a nibble of it...I bet it's fruit punch flavored!
With my spear (An 10000_Squirrels original), my triple-bladed sword of bear killing and my triple bladed scythe (The Growler), I head out to slaughter the wildlife once more.

(After an undisclosed amount of time)

I return with a bear fur-loin (You know, that thing they used to wear? Before underwear? That thing) draped in a wolf pelt under a bear pelt, with wolf fangs hanging around my neck all whilst dragging a bear carcass with two wolf carcasses on top of it.

"The battle was so epic, that I can't even begin to describe it. Also lost my shirt and pants in the scuffle, but they lost a whole lot more..."
Well.. i'm a lonely doctor... *munch on some aspirin pills* If anyone wants some pills or some lobotomy or something, just ring the bell.

Sigh... let me drink some water here and... what the... ARRRBLLLLGGRRLRLL *falls down with aspirin moss out of my mouth*.
It's ok... i'll be fine... *munch on some more aspirin*
While HK is out on the hunt he is injured by a trap in the jungle, possibly set by the Others. His leg is pretty mangled, and he has a deep gash in his side. Without some proper attention he'll be in pretty bad shape.

With his non-stop drinking of rabbit's blood throughout the game, Links is now addicted to the stuff. Beware the man when he has no more blood to drink.

Because the Others have no idea where you are nobody has to die tonight. Well, that and the fact that three people died yesterday and I kind of feel bad about it. Either way, sweet dreams, Team VENGEANCE

Night 6

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