Good Grub Recipes


I'm a fairly simple man, but I'm fucking tired of eating alot of BS like frozen pizza and shiz. It sucks being broke, because i can think of a bunch of awesome meals, but require too many ingredients i dont have and wont use enough before they've gone bad.

I'm tryna eat healthier but I need to find some cheap,simple recipes that are (somewhat) healthier.
And I'm not turnin' into no damn rabbit neither!
Obtain Cheese
Obtain Macaroni
Create a food product
Shove it into your face hole
Do 25 pushups and situps

Regret nothing

You could also make some ceaser salad with lite dressing and no bacon, which is ****ing nommy and moderately healthy.
Oreo Balls, just look it up on this here internet, its probably very healthy, but its so delicious I just made some and ate it all 30 in two hours totally worth it.

All you need is a pack of regular Oreos, some cream cheese, two things of almond bark, and thats it as said before some things will differ with come recipes on the internet but it is awesome
What other things do you like or dislike? I need some guidance here. Also, how comfortable are you with cooking?

Grilled cheese. French toast.

Pasta/noodles can be really cheap and easy to make, and easy to enhance. Alternatively, rice is pretty filling too, though its price is increasing. You can take either of these things, and add anything. Likewise:

Sandwich varieties (make a panini!)
Stew/curry/chili/put things in pot and wait

It's not really about finding a recipe as much as it is using the things you like, and making them work for you.
My recipe:

01280 824894

...Best Pizzas in the world.

I have always wanted to be good at cooking my own meals. Maybe not create entire recipes, but have signature dashes of herbs or something that makes a conventional meal my own. I'm Sims Level 1 Cooking at the moment.

But I'm working on homemade soup, I made Leek & Potato recently, and I thought it was OK. Probably a tad bland though!

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