Gaming with your significant other


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Anyone here play games with their girlfriend or boyfriend?

I've been working for years on getting my fiance into playing games. She has some interest but it's mostly for music games, fighting games, and racing games (which are all rather simple to play, in the grand scheme of gaming.) Otherwise, she mainly enjoys watching me play more involved games and being a backseat gamer, which is fun.

Hey, at least we're not one of those couples who sit in seperate rooms playing WoW together. *shudder*

Anyone have any favorite games for couples?
This one girl who used to like me would always invite me to her Halo games. She asked me out during a halo match once.. So I'm trying to stay away from playing xbox with females in hope that I never have to endure the immense awkwardness that was sufferred through those months.

I know viva pinata's good for that sort of thing. Maybe The Maw too from XBL Arcade.
my wife and i played wow for a couple years together (not in separate rooms lol). balanced out both accounts with 70's that worked well together, pvp'd a lot, but mostly i tanked and she healed... that was the most fun because she was an awesome healer. but once we had our 2nd kid the reality of the situation kicked us in the face .. some would say RL > WOW and i gave our 2nd pc to the in laws after finding out they ordered an over priced POS from dell.

she's into online gaming and MMOs because when it comes to single player games she gets bored quick and likes the continuous playing. we also played swg pre nge which was fun while it lasted. and a little team fortress 1.

now we just got the 360 and 1 pc rig, so mostly its 360 games like CoD, Gears2 and Rock Band 2 (which i hate after hearing the same songs 2000 times). but it's not like it used to be for obvious reasons, kids come first so now a days i play my rpgs and ufcs when the kids go to bed and she just tinkers on the pc.

its cool to be able to talk gaming with her because for the most part she isnt really girly about it.. she tosses out the occasional 'aw thats cute' but the one thing i hated was how she HAS to complete EVERYTHING in games.. spend hours running back and forth on stupid quests wasting hours, and if you complain you get the typical response 'you always do what you wanna do and not what i want to do'.


basically, IMO... if she doesnt mind you playing games and will dabble in the occasional one with you, take it. but once you get her into it, it's no different than anything else in the relationship. just another thing to argue about lol. from the sounds of it she doesnt mind you gaming, which is already a big plus in her favor for a long term commitment (set the date sucka!)

oh yeah one more thing, its best NOT to brag to your buddies how she occasionally likes to play with your joystick while you game... a secret best kept to yourself LOL
I shall eternally hold out for my perfect woman: she who plays games with no care for WoW or the Disney Channel, with good moral standards and chaste.

Big pluses if she can beat me on Resistance 2, and has six tentacles.
Do they have to be 360 games? If you have a Wii, then the obvious Wii Sports and Wii Play are great fun. Kororinpa is pretty ace too!

the only 360 game I can think of are music, fighting or driving games. Try Dead Space or something? Maybe she'll like games that have strong plots, much like a movie?
MattAY said:
Try Dead Space or something? Maybe she'll like games that have strong plots, much like a movie?
I actually got my sister into the story of Metal Gear. She couldn't much play it if she tried, though. But she loves LittleBigPlanet.

I'd try LBP to get her to play something, used. And, assuming she ever sits to watch you play, Uncharted and MGS4.
Not really asking for suggestions, gentlemen. Just sharing experiences.

Ps I'm not Lethean.
Since I currently lack a significant other, I'll tell a different story about getting a girl to play video games. My older sister, to be exact.

Anyway, when we were kids we used to play early PS1 platformers, Crash, Rayman, Gex, etc. So when she went into college I gave her my old PS2 with a bunch of those games plus a bunch of great games that would be easy for her, like Silent Hill 2, FFX, Guitar Hero and Shadow of the Colossus. Well, she only played Guitar Hero.

Fast forward to earlier this year. For her birthday, she asks for a PS3. I don't understand why, and tell her there's more for a 360 or a Wii, but she's adamant. She gets it, and so I get her Little Big Planet. She likes that, but surprises me when she goes and gets Prince of Persia and Fallout 3, both of which she plays and loves. So I give her my old copy of Oblivion, which she loves even more and has become addicted to.

So there's my little victory.
Yeah my sister plays more complex games than my gf too. We grew up playing games together and I always kept her current with the great action/platformers like Gex, Spyro, MediEvil, etc. as well.

Me and you, Longo. Me and you.
My sister likes Sims 3 & some NDS action.

I have no GF at the moment, but my ex used to play some WoW and Viva Pinata..
my girl hates watching me play, but likes some predictable games. I don't mind watching her play, or reading or something while she does. She loved completing Fable 2 and is obsessed with Lego star wars, but as far as gaming together goes, it's gotta be the Guitar hero games.
I got my wife in to playing rock band and world tour.But its hard to get her to play the other games I like ive even rented some of the ones she wanted to try. She likes to watch me play some games so its sort of like playing together.  I also have a buddy who plays games with his GF and  its backfired on him she wants to play all the time but only some games.So hes screwed to play anything he wants.
My dad has always had the opinion that videogames were invented by the devil. He always complained about the complete waste of time and rotting our brains. Well, two years back I pulled out Guitar Hero and started playing. He was hooked. Anytime he comes by, once the kids are down we play two or three songs. Also, Hot Shots golf, we could play all day if we had the spare time.

He just announced that he is getting a PS3 Slim, mostly for the BD player. He has a big screen and amazing surround sound, and wants to take advantage of that.
Really wish I had a significant other who plays games. Or just a significant other in general... :cry:

Both my little sisters like games a lot, but mostly cute stuff like Super Monkey Ball, Pokemon, or Sonic games (especially the Chao Garden). I'm afraid I'm going to wake up one day, and they'll have become furries over night! YUCK, WHAT A NIGHTMARE!
JCvgluvr said:
Both my little sisters like games a lot, but mostly cute stuff like Super Monkey Ball, Pokemon, or Sonic games (especially the Chao Garden). I'm afraid I'm going to wake up one day, and they'll have become furries over night! YUCK, WHAT A NIGHTMARE!

Quite an imagination you go here ... a very 'furry'ious imagination. :p :D

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