Game Revolution, the Podcast

I was listening to my friend's podcast video today, and I was thinking, have you guys ever considered creating a podcast, either weekly or monthly, for GR? It is real simple, as all you need is a Skype program, some mics and computers, and 4 people who are willing to talk about games for an hour each week. They also don't even have to be in the same building, you can have a podcast with people from NY, LA, DC, Chicago, even England with Skype.

Sounds like a good idea?
I can sort of see a podcast working for just gaming news (sorta like the blogs, but... not), but not really for talk about the games themselves. Like dUKE said, games are a visual medium and I dont want to hear a dude talking about how he just pulled off a killer move in Super Smash brothers for an hour or how sexay the new final fantasy looks.

Topics I can think of being discussed is the amount of innovation gaming industry, violence in video games, and predictions on what the big three will do next. If they talk about things like that then I may listen. Going by the blogs, Im sure the people at GR can talk about random junk for an hour or so.

EDIT: You know what I really want to see? The folks at GR putting up random videos about thier adventures in different MMOs. Man, that would be awesome to see Sal Magicpants acting a fool in EVE or WoW.
Frozen said:
EDIT: You know what I really want to see? The folks at GR putting up random videos about thier adventures in different MMOs. Man, that would be awesome to see Sal Magicpants acting a fool in EVE or WoW.

Hell, random videos from ANY game they pull something awesome off in would be nice.
i played counter-strike with Ben as sal magicpants a few times many moons ago. Sal lived up to the hype.
I play WoW with a cat named HolyHank.

He ran me through the Stockades one time.

When TBC hits I hope he is around to level with me.

Eh, Joe?
Here are some cool GR video ideas I'd like to see:

1. Burnout: Revenge crashes/takedowns.
2. A guide to 'How to properly swear at a frustrating video game'.
3. Video walkthroughs on tough game sections.
4. A guide to 'How to properly dispose of "low-standard" games'.
5. Game previews.
6. Scenes from games that the GRandmasters found particularly memorable or entertaining, for any reason.

These are just a sample of the ideas I have for GR videos. Please note that I am not asking for any of these ideas to be used, but that these are some suggestions in case you are thinking of making some videos.

Now that I think about it, 2 and 4 would be OK in regular article form as well.
Now here's an idea...

How about you just make a podcast everytime Jack Thompson does something else boneheaded? That'd be entertaining : ) I'd LOVE to hear you all rant and rave about him (yes, literally hear).

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