

It's on Netflix (or maybe it finally arrived up here on Netflix). I've been catching up on some episodes and remembering what a great show this is. I'm so glad it came back.

What are some of your favortie episodes? In no order here's some of mine!

The Late Philip J Fry

Sometimes, the show blows my mind (even if we're not supposed to take it THAT seriously) and this episode was just full of awesome-ness-ess-ess.


Remaking the show in 3 different styles; old school black and white, 8-bit video game and Japanese anime. It's a win-win-win!


Bender becomes a God and then meets God! Dude....

Time Keeps on Slippin'

During a basketball game for Earth's reputation, time continues to skip into the future.

The Luck of the Fryish

A glimpse into Fry's past as he discovers his brother stole his lucky seven leaf clover and became all the things in life he could only dream about.

The Why of Fry


Brannigan Begin Again

After Zapp is fired for being a complete moron, he begins anew as part of the Planet Express team. Ohhhh Zap!

There's many more but that's good enough for now.
:D :D
The Luck of the Fryish was a great one.

I also liked the one about the sunken city of Atlanta, the one where Bender sells his head, and the tax-rebate episode as well. Funny series, loved it when it was on.

I haven't caught any of the new episodes though, haven't heard much about them either.
The Luck of the Fryish
The Why of Fry
Brannigan Begin Again

of course...

the best episode in the entire series IMHO

Roswell That Ends Well
The newest season was a pretty mixed bag. There were a few episodes that were really good, but there were a lot of them that just weren't good at all. Too many bad pop culture and really hamfisted political messages, not enough humor.

Like the Eye Phone episode was just awful. There was maybe one really humorous part to it, the rest was pretty eh. Or the episode that was literally a whole thing on gender stereotypes. As in, every joke in it was an old, overdone stereotype.

Best episode?
The Star Trek one. Forget the name.
Longo_2_guns said:
Best episode?
The Star Trek one. Forget the name.
Where No Fan Has Gone Before

Yeah, I own seasons 1-4, the "original" Futurama, and I thoroughly enjoyed the commentaries on each episode.

My favorites...

When Aliens Attack

I'm going for a scuttle.

How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back

Mainly, the musical number at the end was pure genius.

Anthology of Interest I

I want a BIG cereal!

War is the H-word

And "A" is for "as--".

The Birdbot of Ice-catraz


The Day the Earth Stood Stupid

All glory to the Hypno-Toad.

Bendin' in the Wind

Featuring Beck.

A Leela of Her Own

Wade Boggs...goes down smooth.

Anthology of interest II

What if...that thing I said?

Love and Rocket

Cuddly baby tapirs.

A Taste of Freedom

Freedom freedom freedom, oi!

Bend Her

You ever been beat up by a guy dressed like a woman?

Obsoletely Fabulous

Nobody wants to count rocks more than I do.

The Farnsworth Parabox

There's a universe in all of us.

Three Hundred Big Boys

Idiot. Noun. You!

The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings

I'll take eight!

And on a touching note, the saddest episodes...

Why Must I be a Crustacean in Love?

So, you have to choose between a life without sex...and death?

The Luck of the Fryrish

Don't-don't-don't-don't! Don't you...forget about me.

Jurassic Bark

Through a thousand summers...I will wait for you.
After I saw Jurassic Bark suddenly Requiem for a Dream didn't seem so tragic.

I agree with Longo about some episodes depending on current pop references. They also get much worse with age (like when the professor needs them to get offline so he can use the phone) but there are plenty of creative and hilarious episodes in the mix
LOL also the second episode where Fry goes to the moon.

"One of these days Alice, one of these days! straight to the moon..."

"What? That was just an expression he used for beating his wife."
I'm like De-Ting. I've owned all the DVD sets forever, and I've watched them hundreds of times each, all the commentaries, all the special features. I used to watch a disc every night before bed. For years. Yes, I was a lonely man.

The movies were indeed hit-or-miss, and so are the new post-cancelled episodes.

Damn it, now I'm going to stay up late watching.

One more favorite/saddest episode; A Flight to Remember.

Brilliant "righting" and a heartbreaking ending, but some things are better that way, I suppose.
Love and Rocket, The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings are some of my favorites. Love and Rocket makes me want to be a hero and sacrifice my body to save someone. The Devil's Hands I like, because Fry can't play worth shit and it's his hands. Makes me think of me.
Godfellas was a brilliant episode

"You know, I was god once"
"yes I saw, you were doing well until everyone died"

"You have to apply a light touch, like a safecracker, or a pickpocket"
"Or a guy who burns down a bar for the insurance money"
"yes if you make it look like an electrical problem"

Second place is a tie between Roswell that ends well and popplers, I always felt Futurama's lack of immediate popularity wasn't due to it being poorly written, it just came at a bad time when the market was saturated with cartoons aimed at an older audience
Just noticed that Anthony sounds like a certain celebrity chef.


"If you promise to stop interrupting, alright. Against my will, I'm gonna knock it up another notch."

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