Funniest game?

What is the funniest gaming moment, game in total, character or line in a game?

I don't really have a good example but I'm sure that some of you experienced guys/guyinas have something :D
When you have to fight the Power Rangers. My vote for most random thing in a video game.

And when fighting the last boss in Age of Mythology. The boss had 20 something health left (out of thousands) and my game crashed. I realized had not saved since I had begun playing 8 hours before. I just began laughing and couldn't stop for a good 15 minutes. The game is still sitting on my shelf, never to be finished...
Gex is one of the funniest games/characters ever. Besides Gex, I have never found a fun parody game, or a parody game at all.
Haha I'm with Tyrranis. Another could be the nail-gun cheat in Hitman where you can have the bad-guys bounce around doing little bungees
(only there bungees goes upward when you shot them with a shotgun) :D.

And perhaps a litlle nerdy... The physics in need for speed most wanted. they are really great but I thinks it's priceless to see a little Lotus Elise ,allthough all tuned up, smashing through a blockade of SUV's. It can lift them clean up in the air and that is pretty well done for a car weighing less than a ton. against something the size of a Range Rover. :D
fight night 2004for xbox is pretty funny because when you knock someone out by the ropes they start twitching and get entangled in them lol
Sometimes while playing Earthworm Jim i would just sit there for a while, not moving him around just so he would do those silly antics!
Kicking chickens, beating up gays, getting in drunk fights, and farting in crowded shops was always funny in Fable.

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