Funemployment activate!


So during my well-deserved vacation to the keys (read: Key West), I got to know the unfortunate news that my position (business support administrator) was being eliminated for "re-structuring purposes". Just returned to the city (read: New York City) and I'm contemplating my next move: Apply for more jobs? Join a traveling circus? Become a full-time Game Revolutioner(ite?). Decisions decisions. Luckily, albeit the vacation, I still have some $4k saved up, which in practical terms gives me about 2 months of sustenance.

GR, what do you think I should do? No option is off the table (this includes manwhoring).

Also, do you have stories of ill-timed terminations of employment, let me know!

Yours truly,

Applications, talking to friends, tell everyone you know (good start already!) You are waaaayyy more likely to find a new job through someone you already know than you are through all the job sites out there. Literally, tell everyone.
If you know of one that you'd be able to join, I would go for circus. Or manwhoring, if you like -- they share some necessary skills. Do become a full-time GRary for two months first, though. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY.

The only related story I have is that my family moved just before I'd been working sufficiently long enough to get a transfer. I would've had to apply all over again, and start on their new stupid set of rules including at least one 5 a.m. shift. Screw that.
danielrbischoff said:
Applications, talking to friends, tell everyone you know (good start already!) You are waaaayyy more likely to find a new job through someone you already know than you are through all the job sites out there. Literally, tell everyone.


It's amazing how the world works. It really isn't about what you know, it's about who you know. Word of Mouth beats Resume like Paper beats Rock.
Start applying. Now.

I took me three months to find a shitty job to replace my previous position as a teacher, and even now I am lucky to get back into the sub-central system for NYC.

So apply to everything to at least hold out a job for now. The market in NY is pretty bad at the moment.
LinksOcarina said:
Start applying. Now.

I took me three months to find a shitty job to replace my previous position as a teacher, and even now I am lucky to get back into the sub-central system for NYC.

So apply to everything to at least hold out a job for now. The market in NY is pretty bad at the moment.

Ooh, what do you do? Where do you live? Wanna grab a bite and give me a pep-talk/eloquent motivational speech? I need all the help I can get!

Also will take some suggestions to heart (Daniel/Links), tomorrow will set the ground for a grand raiding of inboxes with custom-tailored resumes and promises of "happy endings".

Mod-Chip said:
LinksOcarina said:
Start applying. Now.

I took me three months to find a shitty job to replace my previous position as a teacher, and even now I am lucky to get back into the sub-central system for NYC.

So apply to everything to at least hold out a job for now. The market in NY is pretty bad at the moment.

Ooh, what do you do? Where do you live? Wanna grab a bite and give me a pep-talk/eloquent motivational speech? I need all the help I can get!

Also will take some suggestions to heart (Daniel/Links), tomorrow will set the ground for a grand raiding of inboxes with custom-tailored resumes and promises of "happy endings".


I live in Staten Island (never go there)

I work at childrens clothing store because I lost my teaching job, and now I sub-teach all over NY for extra money. As for a bite to eat, I have no money :( so I havent eaten out in months.
Well, if you ever need a job to cover some bills, you could always work in a fast food restaurant, temporarily. I'm still searching for jobs and an apartment. After a year working under a McDonald's franchise, I grew to hate it the days keep going by. I'm only working there, because I'm making money.
Now is the time to look for stuff you would WANT to do that you would except less for doing. Hobby-jobs, learning jobs, fun jobs, etc. After the 1st month of unemployment you'll be willing to clean monkey poop for pennies so just fall into something before desperation hits.

Now is the time to hit up the "friends" like Dan said, but unemployment will let you know exactly how many friends you have, if you get my meaning.

Lucky for you tho - summertime is coming up and you can probably find something seasonal before the kiddies get out of school.

If all else fails.. my pimp hand IS strong, and I'll take you as one of my biotches.

What would you LIKE to do for a living?
Become a urban guerilla. I think there some space in central park to set up a camp. Unless the occupier have occupied that already.

Viva La Revolución!
Go on a nice long trip somewhere! South America??? Go to Australia and work and travel around Asia??? do something crazy! :p how long u been living in america BBK?
Dobby2244 said:
Go on a nice long trip somewhere! South America??? Go to Australia and work and travel around Asia??? do something crazy! :p how long u been living in america BBK?

About four and a half years, it is becoming increasingly likely that I will make the grand jump back to Europe, though backpacking 'round the world does sound like a fun idea, though perhaps not a very cost-effective one. You's in UK yes?

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