Facebooks new graph search.


Finally facebook. Finally. Enough said about that. Just still wish I could search for the features I want in a woman like on Myspace. Features like brunette, 6,0 athletic build, green eyes.

Lol, but instead now I can search for People who like Serious Sam, and switch it to females, and HOLY SHIT look at all those Indian, Iraq, and Iranian fucking females that like serious sam. What's up with that?

Anyways the search features are awesome.
I have no idea what you're talking about but I'm instantly creeped out by it. Do people use Facebook to meet strangers?
I had a friend who would find girls on facebook to hook up with. He was a player. Even with ganked up teeth.
What the hell - yeah you guys are creeps. Use dating websites like normal depressed people.
Dating websites? You guys are such old fogies.

Its all about local dating smart phone apps.
I use Skout.
I use Tinder.

One of my friends is fucking obsessed with Tinder, to the point where she's stopped noticing when guys around her are hitting on her.
When my kids get older, they will be amazed (or very bored) to hear the fantastical tale of how their mother and I met in the actual real world and not through a website or some app.
danielrbischoff said:
Even more reason not to have a Facebook.
I keep a facebook for 2 reasons:

1.) To enter competitions you need to use facebook to enter
2.) To creep on cute girls pictures and hit on them in the chat

The second part tends not to work well, because my facebook display picture is quite possibly the most serial-killer looking picture on facebook.
Someone tried to add me on Facebook recently. Their name was "Wendy Brown". I thought it was a bot, but I went to their profile and I noticed their photos looked more "real" than a bot, even one of the photos had a kid in it. Due to their last name (which is also my last name, Brown) I thought it could be a relative.

I never accept random adds. If someone tries to add me and I don't know 'em, I'll send a private message and ask if we've met before and if we know each other.

Me: "Hi, I'm sorry but have we met before?"

Wendy: "Good things are meant for good people, saw your profile and can't get my eyes off of it. Here is brief introduction of me, my name is Wendy, fondly called Piliam, a woman with a strong heart, loving, caring, compassionate, affectionate. I also believe in God and have much faith in him. I like swimming, camping, fishing, reading and writing. It was so cool coming on here, never thought I will find an interesting person to e-mail like you."

I didn't reply. I just thought "Yup, that's a bot." However, six hours later...

Wendy: "I haven't seen your reply."

So I decided to reply, but politely.

Me: "Hi. I am sorry but to be honest your forward approach makes me uncomfortable. I only use Facebook to connect with my friends who I actually know. You seem to be using Facebook for different reasons. Good bye, and good luck with your search. I wish you all the best."

Wendy: "Thanks."

Man I hate Facebook sometimes. I only use Facebook to connect with my friends who are down south/interstate. I don't like the idea of Facebook to try and crack onto people. That's messed up.

That being said and as hypocritical as it may sound, I have tried online dating through online dating sites that are not Facebook and the results are uh, well, fail. No luck with it on my part. As douchey as this will sound, I think there must be something wrong when I make an online dating account, delete it, sign up again about eight months later and the same people I saw before, are still there as active users?
I'm not saying that these attributes are not what you're looking for

But a majority of the women I find on dating websites either have kids or are overweight(Or the rare off chance, really really ugly).

Also in my area(St Louis) there are more black women on dating apps than any other ethnicity.

To each their own.
Ha ha, to be honest (and this will sound shallow) those are not qualities I'm looking for. :p I'm just looking for someone nice who shares common interests and hobbies.

I signed up to online dating because with girls I am actually quite shy and not very confident. I also have difficulty meeting new people, which is completely my own doing and fault. I work full time and when I'm not working, I'm either in the gym or at Judo. On weekends, I'm usually either doing my own thing at home, or hanging out with friends (whoever claims me for the weekend first, basically). I'm also trying to focus on my art and drawing, so that drains up my time too.

From my experience though Sourdeez and I mean no offence to anyone but... the women I've spoken to and met - some have been quite nice, but I may not have fit their criteria or interests, sometimes they don't fit mine, sometimes it's mutual. Some people though are quite rude and arrogant. I also hate it when people start a conversation with you, but then decide to stop talking to you, but not say anything about it. Seriously, if someone is not interested, I would rather they just be upfront and say "Hey sorry, I'm not interested" or whatever, rather than just choosing to ignore. It's very rude and disrespectful. It's worse when you've actually been on a couple of dates and they do that. Happened to me a few times. :/
Make a fake profile sometime with a average good looking girl(Like a 6 or 7 ) and watch how your inbox becomes flooded with messages.

Its true dating websites are definitely easier for women. Some will say its a hassle to sift through all the messages but I think its better than none at all.

Its why I put on my profile that I find a girl confident enough to start a conversation majorly attractive.

Dating apps have been good to me though. I've met new friends, new friends with benefits, and even went on a couple dates. I'm more focused on finishing college though then I am trying to get into a serious relationship.
Haha, no I don't think I'll make a fake profile. I wouldn't say online dating would be "easier" for women, but I can imagine and understand that they would get a lot more messages than a guy.

I've noticed through online dating a lot of girls put in their profiles information like "No pervs please" or "If you're looking for quick sex, look else where" - I'm actually very surprised guys have the nerve to even try that, considering their photo and information is up there and whatnot... that's very rude and disrespectful. I feel very sorry for the girls who have to unfortunately put up with that crap when they shouldn't have to.

Some girls have started conversations with me, which is nice, but in all honesty it bothers me when they just stop talking to me (despite being the ones who initiated the conversation). I would really appreciate a "Hey sorry, I'm not interested" rather than just flat out ignoring.

Good to hear you have some positive intake out of your online dating experiences, Sourdeez. I suppose I do too. While I have been unsuccessful through online dating it's honestly given me a little more confidence about meeting new people, going out to socialise and talking to people in general. So I guess that's something. :)

I think it's funny. I would like to meet someone nice and maybe one day and perhaps even get into a long term relationship, but I also have so many things I want to focus on, like my drawings.

Speaking of drawings... one girl stopped talking to me after I told her I would like to be a cartoonist one day. :/

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