Destiny PS4 Review & Gameplay

Hey Everyone,

This is my coverage and impression of Destiny. If you have played the Alpha/Beta the game is a bit different. The graphics are a lot more polished. Devil's layer is now level 8 instead of level 6. You can access the moon at level 6 and continue the story campaign from there. The cut scenes are marvelous and story is fantastic. The downside of Destiny is how repetitive the missions are. Its basically kill your way to your way point and defend the ghost with the mission boss at the end. The controls are easy to learn and pick up if you are a new player and natural if you are a fps player
PVE is not required in order to level you can level through PVP as well so that helps break down the repetitiveness of campaign missions. This is in regards to the beta I felt dungeons/raids were boring the boss fights are very linear and just have massive hp where it just there to waste time.
Overall I am okay with Destiny.
Here is my Capaign PS4 Gameplay coverage of the game
PVP PS4 Gameplay Coverage
nukemdukem said:
Hey Everyone,

This is my coverage and impression of Destiny. If you have played the Alpha/Beta the game is a bit different. The graphics are a lot more polished. Devil's layer is now level 8 instead of level 6. You can access the moon at level 6 and continue the story campaign from there. The cut scenes are marvelous and story is fantastic. The downside of Destiny is how repetitive the missions are. Its basically kill your way to your way point and defend the ghost with the mission boss at the end. The controls are easy to learn and pick up if you are a new player and natural if you are a fps player
PVE is not required in order to level you can level through PVP as well so that helps break down the repetitiveness of campaign missions. This is in regards to the beta I felt dungeons/raids were boring the boss fights are very linear and just have massive hp where it just there to waste time.
Overall I am okay with Destiny.
Here is my Capaign PS4 Gameplay coverage of the game

found it!

question - how are you placing your webcam over your El gato?

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