C-C-C-Combo breaker!

That match is 5 years old now, but still awsome to watch.
That's what gave Daigo his legions of fanboys.

The best part is to see some guy screaming "Way to go Justin !!!" as Justin sets up for the super, as if the match was already over.
I remember another video of this were the other player just left the room as soon as chung-li started blocking... to be never heard of again.
Lien said:
I remember another video of this were the other player just left the room as soon as chung-li started blocking... to be never heard of again.

Never to be heard again is a little too much considering the other player is still one of the top players on the Pro Circuit and they still had a second match to go. But yeah, he looked pretty sad when ken started parrying everything,
And one day, just like in a kung-fu movie, he'll come back... prepared after years of training in china to defeat him and retake his family honor.

And there will be blood
That clip gives me a boner every time I see it. If you ever played SF3, you would realize how impossible that is to pull off.
Tykk said:
That match is 5 years old now, but still awsome to watch.
That's what gave Daigo his legions of fanboys.

Well, it added to the legions. People were riding Daigo's manhood for a while before the 2004 EVO tourny.

Tykk said:
The best part is to see some guy screaming "Way to go Justin !!!" as Justin sets up for the super, as if the match was already over.

Its even more hilarious when you think about how many times Jus Wong has made it to the finals only to screw up by making it painfully obvious what he plans to do by turtling towards the end of every match. This vid doesn't just show how good Daigo's parry skills are, it shows how badly well he taught Wong a lesson and gave him the biggest "Saw that coming, fuck you" ever possible.

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