buying older systems


I recently had a very large urge to own a NES .. and none of the game shops around me have them for sale. what can i do?! besides EBAY
a simple google search brought up a few places online, although the one i chose to click on said out of stock. theres amazon. and dont forget garage sales. dont completly write off ebay. just find a store with very good feedback and uses paypal.

my little brother lucked out a couple of years ago. an elderly neighbor had bought an nes 20 years ago to give as a gift, but never did. it sat in her closet all that time until she told my brother about it and then she gave it to him. a brand new nes, still in box, never opened. he could have sold it for a modest amount...but he opened it and played it. cant say i blame him though. its harder and harder to find a working nes these days. i can get mine to work only about 25% of the time. fine for tetris, but forget final fantasy or dragon warrior.

hope you find one.
I just hit the jackpot.. my friend is selling me his for 10 dollars WITH mega man 3 .. and thats like my most favoritest game.. i'm so excited woo!
Not a bad deal.

For anyone else looking, I would suggest you scour all of the local garage sales and flea markets.
We have a few large, weekly flea markets here, and I found my Genesis a couple of years ago at the first one, after looking for just 20 minutes.
MrHimashi said:
I recently had a very large urge to own a NES .. and none of the game shops around me have them for sale. what can i do?! besides EBAY!

flea markets are good for finding gems like the nes and games.
Super Mario 3 never gets old too me..... love that game.

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