Brawl Review under Gamerankings

Just noticed that Brawl got a B+ here, and on Gamerankings that equates to an 85%. Incidently, it's the lowest score so far for the game.

I have only played it a few times so far, but I have a feeling GR hit it on the head again, kind of Like Twilight Princess. If that's the case, bravo guys!.
GR prides itself on innovation (hence the name revolution). I'm surprised Brawl has gotten the reviews it has gotten so far since it's pretty much the same as Melee with more characters and stages; I don't call that innovation, I call that a cash cow.
I'm very mad at GR for that score. Mainly because they've given it to Brawl, TP and Corruption, some of my favourite games.
TheZoomZoomKid said:
GR prides itself on innovation (hence the name revolution). I'm surprised Brawl has gotten the reviews it has gotten so far since it's pretty much the same as Melee with more characters and stages; I don't call that innovation, I call that a cash cow.
It's not a "cash cow." Brawl is a definite step forward that Nintendo put plenty of effort towards!
Besides, good games should not be defined by their innovation at all! If a game happens to be innovative, so be it, but it can be good and completely satisfying to players either way.
If a sequel to some game manages to patch up all the holes to provide a fuller and better experience, the game would still be great without innovation.
On the review at GameTrailers it's said the game is best played with the GC controller. How is that innovative and a step forward?

But of course, they could be wrong.
Boringman54 said:
I'm very mad at GR for that score. Mainly because they've given it to Brawl, TP and Corruption, some of my favourite games.
It's called fanboyism. The cure: Don't be bitch about it. You think I cried myself to sleep when they gave DMC4 a C+....well yes I did, but only for one night.
GhostTrip said:
On the review at GameTrailers it's said the game is best played with the GC controller. How is that innovative and a step forward?

But of course, they could be wrong.
That's probably because it was used for Melee so it's probably the most natural to use. I'm guessing the Wii-mote by itself is the worst to use because you have to use a D-pad.
No game is perfect, but to recieve a B+ by GR is nothing to cry about.
And it's online, that alone makes it better than Melee. The score for Brawl is better than the one they game Melee, right?
HK-47 said:
No game is perfect, but to recieve a B+ by GR is nothing to cry about.
And it's online, that alone makes it better than Melee. The score for Brawl is better than the one they game Melee, right?
Nope, Melee got a B+ too.
GhostTrip said:
On the review at GameTrailers it's said the game is best played with the GC controller. How is that innovative and a step forward?

But of course, they could be wrong.
Controllers throughout the years have been more or less the same. The PS3 controller is fundamentally the same as the PS2 controller and the PS1 controller. The 360's controller uses the same buttons for gameplay as the original Xbox. You can't penalize the Wii or SSBB for opting to use older control schemes for this game, and not harshly scorn Microsoft or Sony. Under your criterion, nothing ever released for the Xbox, Playstation, or PC was ever innovative....

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