

ok i have my eyes closed whilst typing this so any errors are not my fault(damned colours) (amd the tinyness of everything)

But will therebe an option to put an avatar that's already on the net? I tried linking to an avatar already uploaded and I got a tonne of errors. I didn't try GOD DAMNIT I OPENED MY EYES AND NOW THEY HURT... *closes eyes* I didn't try uploading one so I don't know if it doesn't work normally (and you would already know that!).

But yes, god these colours are bad. And everythings so small. I am betting there are a lot of people that won't be able to read a thing.

(whoops i didnt notice you didn't want menial things in here)
1. What resolution do you have your comp on?
2. Hold CTRL and scroll the mouse wheel. (If you dont have a mouse wheel there is another way, but I dont know how)
3. The colors are pretty much the same to me :-\ but that's just me im Red Green Color Blind :D
Colours and size seem fine to me. To answer your question, they said avators won't work for the time being. It is only beta.
I agree on the colour issue, it is difficult on the eyes. One thing I noticed about the avatar is that you can't change it. I tried one to see what it would look like but it won't let me change it.

I suppose this will all be fixed so just chill for now..
Hellfire1014 said:
1. What resolution do you have your comp on?
2. Hold CTRL and scroll the mouse wheel. (If you dont have a mouse wheel there is another way, but I dont know how)
3. The colors are pretty much the same to me :-\ but that's just me im Red Green Color Blind :D

Between speaking for the GM's in one topic concerning medals, and posting here in the GM forum with solutions...Damnit man! You arenh't a mod or site admin! Or are you?

No but seriously, I'm sure One appreciates your input.

I think he may mean without having to ctrol+scroll though. I know I think it'd be a pain to have to do it every time you wanna read something on GR.

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