Anybody here playing the Social Strategy genre of MMOs

Anybody here a fan of Social Strategy games like eRepublk, eSim, and WorldAlpha? The social strategy genre seems to be catching on. I started playing WorldAlpha in beta (you can find it here and have really enjoyed the improvement over the other 2 games. Anybody else on this forum playing these type of games?
mmortslover said:
Anybody here a fan of Social Strategy games like eRepublk, eSim, and WorldAlpha? The social strategy genre seems to be catching on. I started playing WorldAlpha in beta (you can find it here and have really enjoyed the improvement over the other 2 games. Anybody else on this forum playing these type of games?

Looks cool I'll check it out..

-browsing site-

Ehhh websites kinda janky, but still a good idea.

-reading about gameplay-

"There will be virtual currency, in the game called EarthBucks, that can be earned, won, or purchased with affordable packages as low as $10 USD"

Nope.. sorry. mabye nextime
De-Ting said:
It responded to Urban's first line only. Ha.

It.. exactly. I thought it was a bot. Apologies if you were offended, we get bots on the forums and looking at your newly made profile I just assumed you were one of them. I totally get you have to make money to support yourself, but I don't like pay to advance type of games - why work hard at the game when someone can just $10 to get where I got after 5 hours of work.

just my 2 cents.

lets see if "It" responds.
WorldAlpha is free to play. So, in the end they do need to make money by selling virtual currency. You can earn EarthBucks through Quests as well as win them in Lotto, but in the end you can also buy them. Try it out. If you enjoy it, and can play with the EarthBucks you are given great. If you really like it and want to support it, even better.

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