Recent content by pvc

  1. pvc

    GRumble! - Results!

  2. pvc

    GRumble! - Results!

    Used44 is jesus.
  3. pvc


  4. pvc

    Pics of yourself

    Funny but NO im from La Mirada which is LOS ANGELES, who ONCE A YEAR goes out to the desert and gets drunk.. thank you.
  5. pvc

    Name That Game!

    the new Soldier of Fortune game
  6. pvc

    Make me laugh, peons!(Funny stuff in here Vids, jpgs, jokes)

    w0ot thanks for the points glad you enjoyed ^_^
  7. pvc

    Best death ever

    Ok pretty much every Metal Gear Boss battle death is the best lol. they are all so ridiculous!
  8. pvc

    Make me laugh, peons!(Funny stuff in here Vids, jpgs, jokes) dont know if you have seen that yet but enjoy.
  9. pvc

    Best death ever

    Assassins Creed had a lot of great deaths. But i think the best has to be MGS3 when you kill The Fury. Thats hilarious stuff.
  10. pvc

    Pics of yourself

    there ya go... i wish i had some old pics :/
  11. pvc

    Pics of yourself

    Glenns pics are ridiculous....
  12. pvc

    DDR for Dummies
