Your First Experience

my first was mario form NEs i was young i saw my dad playing and asked him to teach me since then iv played games well every now and then. i think last time i played a game was 2-3 months ago
Oh boy, this takes some digging in my mind.

I'm not sure of my very first experience, but I can recollect a few of my earliest memories.

Duck hunt/Super Mario Bros. at my cousin Billy's
Doom with my Father
Mickey's ABC's and some mouse game on your classic floppy disk!
I have a feeling I already answered this...

Must've been something on Commodore64. That's the first computer we had, don't know when. Probably the first first game was just some card game or something like that, but we got tons of classics too, like Ninja, Return of the Jedi, Robocop...
It was either Frogger or that Donkey Kong/Mario game, you know the one where you have to jump over those goddamn barrels. Both on the Atari. I was about 4 years old at the time, and I had to wrestle with my older brothers every time I wanted to play. Totally worth it.

I've been addicted to videojuegos ever since.
my first time is with Atari also..its the cowboy stuff and you have to gun down or destroy something in the middle of the range so that you can shoot your enemy..
I was five years old and it was Christmas. I unwrapped my Nintendo Entertainment System and after my dad hooked it up, there I was, stomping on my first Goomba in Super Mario Bros. My dad and I played for hours. SO much fun.
my neighbors had pong, thats the first i remember, my brothers also had an old nes but they never let me play it, just watch
my first experience was Super Mario World on the Snes at 2 years old. hells yeah. finding the top secret area and searching every map for keys was friggin awesome.

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