Would video game movies be much better if...


....they were CGI instead of Live action? I think so.

Imagine a MGS movie, if it was live action it would look like this...

But if it was CGI with all the voice actors it would kick ass! What if Advent Childern was live action? It probably wouldn't have been such a hit.
A big problem with video game movies is that they put the entire thing into 1 and a half hours. With a video game, you spend 20 hours on it or maybe even 60 hours on it. You get used to the characters. The characters become sort of like real people. A big part about video games is the development the time and everything you did in that game.

The ten hours you spent on MGS could not have been shortened down to a 2 hour movie. It just couldn't contain everything.
of course, gametime, and thus screentime, would be drastically reduced if you took out all the useless running around and backtracking and zooming in on boobs. but i guess we'd keep the boobs.
Well, think of it this way, Since when does it have to be one movie? A sequal would be good, or a coninuation of a movie, ala kill bill,would be good to. Lot's of ways we can do it.
LinksOcarina said:
Well, think of it this way, Since when does it have to be one movie? A sequal would be good, or a coninuation of a movie, ala kill bill,would be good to. Lot's of ways we can do it.
Like the LOTR movies. If they tried to compress the books into one movie, you'd get the same thing most video game movies are (assuming the video game movie is following the game's plotline).
That's why you do a set of video game movies.

Like LOTR.

If they made a MGS movie, and it were good, and it did good, then you make a second, then a third...

It would offer you more time to get use to the people. Three hours each movie...


But dont drag it out ^.^

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