the recent Rainbow six vegas review

I could be wrong but in the recent vegas review..... you said one of the cons was "- No HUD multiplayer map"

did you know you can turn this on in the options mode.

it does throw people off, you have to actually turn it on, and with this day and age most people don't go to options to look at well....the options, just thought id let ya know. Unless you meant something else. if thats the case, i apologize and go on giving fair reviews.
Anything 'B' is a good score, yes?
I'll be picking this up on release day here in aus..
along with a new 360 :(

Let me tell you, stuffed DVD drives and no warranty sucks..:(
Hey downwitdaclown thanks for the fact check. I thought there must have been a way to turn it on, but I couldn't figure it out. I even checked the (gasp!) manual. It turns out that the "options" menu is buried within the "extras" menu. But I still should have caught it in the load-out lobby.

I agree, though. Why change it in the first place?
This game is rad. Full story co-op PLUS P.E.C in the offline single player and co-op is just what I've always dreamed about in a shooter/tactical game.
J.P. could you change the "No HUD" comment in the report card? I know alot of times i've only read the report card when checking out certain games. Even though you fixed the comment in the article, it still says it in the report card. That is all.
Do my eyes deceive me or is that unc motherfucking tarheels!? What's up, buddy?
Lol Tylzen on the youtube wall:

"I was wondering, how did you cause this bug? Because I want to replicate it, film it, and publish it here :) So we can get a clearer image."

And heyyyy Used and DWdC.
Oh well, now they have fixed the PS3 online :)
I am enjoying pounding poor 13 year old boys into the ground with my huge MP5N

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