The Brutal Legend Demo....

used44 said:
In the other copycat topic that Lethean went power-mad and closed, someone mentioned a nod to Psychonauts in the opening video. What was it?

You would have done the same Used. You would have done the same.
just downloaded and played the demo!! looks and plays hot! i want to play the multiplayer mode before i decied to spend 60 bucks on this game.
Ok, I can't find it on the PSN store. Either way, I'm going to buy this game once it comes out.
^ It's on the PSN store now so go looking again and you'll find it.

I played the demo, and I wasn't impressed by it... it felt moreover like any other third person semi-platformer. Granted, this impression came from me playing the game in a room where a drunk idiot was trying to argue with me that the game is a rhythm game while I was running the demo right in front of him as well as talking over every little stint of dialogue. It actually seemed that each time Jack Black's character opened his mouth off went drunk douchebag. I'll play it again today probably.
It's definitely a humor-driven game and without the dialogue it really is just another third person semi-platformer (based on the demo).
IGN gave Brutal Legend a 9.0...And IGN AU (which I find to be generally better written and more subjective reviews than the US IGN) gave it a 9.3.

I was already excited about this game, but two solid reviews are getting me even more ready to play it.
Gametrailers gave it an 8.5, which is really good. But GR gave it only a B. I'm starting to have some doubts about this game, but I think I'll buy it regardless
B isn't that a bad. I really enjoyed the demo, though with so many good games coming out soon i'll probably wait to pick this up once it goes down in price some.
The review was....interesting on GR.

I'm still playing the game though and i'm enjoying it, but I think I see what Ben Card was saying, although how he got to that solution I am scratching my head on still.
Haha @ "only a B." B's are good!

I haven't read GR's review yet though. Still, my copy should be arriving soon.

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