So after owning Bioshock since Q1 08...


...And only playing it for maybe forty minutes when I first got it, I finally got into it a week ago and just beat it the other day. At first I didn't see what the big deal was when I played it last year but the more the game progressed I found myself completely immersed in it. Normally FPS start to bore me after the 20th hour and feel repetitive but thankfully Bioshock adds enough variety to prevent that from happening.

I really enjoyed the twist as well. Just when I thought one thing, it turns out to be something else. Honestly, I thought you were Andrew Ryan's kid based on the fact that there was I think a tape recording of a woman talking about selling Ryan's kid and the game hinting at you being brought to Rapture not by chance but fate. I was way off on that one.

My main complaint however was the final encounter. It felt somewhat anti climactic and while the cinematic was touching (the one you get upon saving the Little Sisters) it could have been a little longer. It felt somewhat primitive.

So one play through and I'm four achievements short - Brass Balls, Every weapon upgrade, gain entry into Cohen's apartment and find every audio tape. Time to play through it on easy just for those ones. No way am I trying for Brass Balls on hard.

Edit: Apparently you can only get the Brass Balls achievement on hard. :(
My little brother beat it twice the first week and a half we had it. I've only gotten to Arcadia. <_< As good as BioShock is, it hasn't kept me from playing other games a lot more.

I think the thing is BioShock limits you so much. You can only carry so little ammo and cash.
I played Bioshock for the first time about 6 months ago. I went through the exact same cycle as you. I also thought he was going ot be Ryan's kid!
I found myself immersed in the plot so much. I just kept playing and playing.

My only concern is that it started off fairly scary and then dimmed down. When you encounter the first splicer I was panicking when he was wrecking the tank! I love things like that.

Damn you for getting a lot of achievements. I destroyed most of the mechanical research (turrets, cameras etc), and there weren't enough to grab me the achievements afterwards.

Anyway, the 2nd one isnt too far off. Maybe in time for Christmas. Your wait wont be too long Lethean :) (assuming you want it that is)
I loved playing through Bioshock, hopefully the second one lives up to what the first one was like.

And you probably know this already, but one of the weapon upgrades is in Cohen's apartment, so when you get in there be sure to go into his bedroom.
Bioshock was a certainly enjoyable game, I just can't up myself to play through it again because all the "wow" of the game is gone.
It's too bad you already know the plot (and everything else) if you played System Shock 2.

It's a good game though, and it would have me by the balls if they hadn't lowered the dificulty, from System Shock 2's brutal to Bioshock's Babysitting Puppies, not to mention getting rid of the rpg elements.
Bioshock was missing a lot of what made SS2 great. It just didn't feel like you were really underpowered at all. In SS2, every fight was a war. In Bioshock, you can breeze through with very little strategy. Still a great game though.
I'm a younger gamer, so I've got a question to ask. Is there any possibility I could get a SS2 game copy which could run on XP made PCs?

I've heard great things about this game, but I haven't been able to find one copy. :S

Cheers for the help! :D

And about Bioshock ... this is one of my most favorite games. :) I loved the story in it and the Big Daddy - Little Sister relationship. Sometimes I've even felt bad after killing the Big Daddy, but that feeling went quickly away when I bought my new Electric Plasmid upgrade. :D *sparkles*
I still haven't purchased Bioshock. Still waiting to find it for $10 or $15. Then again, I STILL haven't played Mass Effect, which I eagerly snagged up at $15...
I loved the game and I feel like it's one of the best FPS games ever made.

And I am playing through it, slowly and surely, just to finish off the achievements.
I hated it. To each his own. I thought everything about it was rubbish. The controls, the way the game played, the shooting, everything. I just couldn't immerse myself in it. I gave this game 5 tries before uninstalling it, which is 3 too many.

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