See You on the Other (Planet)Side


Voices, A Thousand, Thousand Voices
Whispering, The Time Has Passed For Choices..

Dammit, there I go again.


*This is a free to play game and is currently available on PC and PS4 but is slated for an Xbox release in the near future.*


This is a somewhat unique, futuristic FPS that harbors hundreds of players and draws heavy influences from the Battlefield franchise. There are six soldier classes: Infiltrator (sniper), Light Assault, Heavy Assault, Combat Medic, Engineer, and Maximum (a walking tank, basically). The battle is endless; no "end of round." There are day/nighttime cycles! Land and air vehicles. Four geographically distinguishable continents; a fifth being a tutorial continent from which you are locked out after reaching level 15.

This is a very "team oriented" game that needs the GR community.

Has anyone been playing? I find myself addicted to this game. I've already reached level 30 with my main character. Post your exploits and thoughts about the game below, and don't forget to tell us your platform, character name, faction, and server of choice.

I am on PS4 as StudioTan. I play on the Genudine server under the Vanu Sovereignty, and my character name is BarretWallace. Add me to your friend list; let me know you're from GR. We should try to schedule a community play-date sometime since it's free.

*EDIT* Here is a link to an extremely useful guide that is just way too long to copy/paste here: ... ints_vps4/

I highly recommend reading it, as the game itself has a rather poorly designed tutorial that hardly helps one become acclimated to the surprisingly deep system of mechanics and styles of game play.
Sourdeez said:
I refuse to come back to ps2 until they put Physx back in the game. Never forget fellow PC gamers.

Some kind of software engine? Could you elaborate on that? Please excuse my ignorance. I will say the PC footage I've seen is like night and day compared to the PS4.

Why must they make a game like this almost impossible to play with your friends? You basically have to ask for all the planets in our solar system to align perfectly.
It is a physics effects engine that was used for the first couple years of the game. It could be turned off at any time so it would not restrict anyone from playing. To repeat, the physics effects were always optional and only gave visual effects. Not any type of physics system that would give anyone an advantage or cause two players to not be able to play together even if the other did not have Nvidia Physx.

They removed it when they ported the game over to the consoles and have only said that they plan on bringing it back one day but have not gave any reply to the question of when ever since.

It has been two years of PC gamers waiting for the features that we had before to be restored to the game.
Thanks for clarifying, Deez. I would be irked too. I wonder if this was something promised before Daybreak took over.

Who says games with no "end game" aren't rewarding? This guy was my teammate who lost his gourd over what I thought was a very clever spot to hide my mobile spawn truck. He waited for me to spawn in, killed me twice and took out the truck with C4. I was actually pretty steamed until he sent me these hilarious messages and deleted my friend request. :D
Have you noticed all the pumpkins strewn around the continents? You can shoot them to acquire seeds that can be used to purchase holiday helmets in the store haha. Don't bother, though, you'll have to do an insane amount of grinding for most of them, and they'll only be available during this month only. We do, however, get a pretty cool pumpkin head by default that provides a happy little XP boost. Make sure you equip it if you're playing in October.


Kinda neat, huh?

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