Post Your Favorite YouTube Channels

Paul Tamburro

Executive Editor
Staff member
There's a lot of guff on YouTube, but there's also a hell of a lot of good stuff buried beneath all the people screaming about trailers.

I'm a fan of Brows Held High, a film critic who has introduced me to quite a few films that otherwise would have been firmly off my radar:

Also Lindsay Ellis:

What are your favourites?
I don't really follow YouTubers anymore. I used to follow a couple, but then reasons... which you can see below!

I used to be a big fan of Elliot Hulse of Strength Camp.


A former professional strongman, Elliot used to make a lot of cool videos in the form of his "Yo, Elliot!" series, where fans would send in questions about strength training, health and fitness, nutrition, as well as questions about life and whatnot.

Then his direction completely changed... he started making a lot of "spiritual" kinda videos and for me, it was a bit weird, and started focusing more on the business side of things, selling products to apparently help up and coming entrepreneurs.

I also didn't like how he would tell people that they can't look like other people (e.g. Superman) due to life/experience reasons, but then try and sell people a fitness program product where they could apparently look like him (Elliot Hulse). Seemed like he was selling out and kinda preying on people's insecurities.

I used to watch this guy too, Elgintensity.


Elgin is basically an Internet troll, but he tends to troll other fitness YouTubers who honestly spew out a bit too much bull crap, e.g. providing false advice, giving people a false sense of hope ("You can look like me, trust me I don't do steroids") and essentially picking on ego lifters. He's incredibly intelligent and is a lawyer by day.

All of the above sounds great, but I stopped watching him because I found he was ripping on people who didn't deserve it, e.g. he'd post videos online of people at the gym (submitted to him by fans) and said people being filmed clearly have no idea what they're doing, and he makes fun of them instead of helping them.

I've learned that filming people in the gym, whether they're an ego lifting idiot, or a newbie who doesn't know what they're doing... doesn't matter who it is, if you're filming someone at the gym and then uploading it online to make fun of them, that's wrong.


It's no secret that I am a huge fan of Penny Arcade and I love both the work of Mike and Jerry. I also think that they're genuine, humble human beings. Penny Arcade has a YouTube channel which is honestly not that popular, but I love watching their First 15 series.

Basically, all it is, is that Mike and Jerry play a game that they've never played before and they play the first fifteen minutes (actual game play, not cut scenes and whatnot) and I think it's great.
In terms of Youtubers, there are a handful that I really like.
I don't really watch any of the big name ones (except like Dunkey and Crit1kal, and RLM), but the rest I like are either comedy or like video essayists.

Recently I've been watching BikiniBodhi, who mostly does really outlandish and fun Rainbow Six Siege videos.

Jon Bois, a writer for SB Nation (who famously did Breaking Madden, which you should absolutely check out), has two series called Chart Party and Pretty Good which are both really well made (mostly) sports related stuff.

And I also like long video essays that I put on in the background while I play games, so for those I usually turn to Kaptain Kristian (who hasn't made one in a few months, but still), Raycevick, and Shammy.

That's it.
I dont really watch Youtube anymore, and if I do I watch the "X number of A with B" type vids from PlaystationAccess and OutsideXbox.

Like most of the responses, I don't really watch YouTube channels much anymore. I'm usually watching others on Twitch.
I dont really watch Youtube anymore, and if I do I watch the "X number of A with B" type vids from PlaystationAccess and OutsideXbox.

I like OutsideXbox. Never really watched PlayStationAccess, but I'll give them a look now.

Keeping with the theme of British YouTube channels, Cool Ghosts is great:

I haven't spent a whole lot of time with specific YouTube channels outside of Honest Trailers but I do subscribe to a couple.

I also follow Dave Lee for his Dave2D series. He posts a lot of really good tech reviews which I know are a dime a dozen but he does it in a way that is clear, concise and interesting.

I think I'll have to check out Brows Held High. That sounds interesting.

I wouldn't say the stuff he talks about is simple, but it is something that anyone who either minored or majored in math in college should know pretty well. I like the channel because he provides great intuitive insight for these topics. His series on linear algebra helped me a lot by completely changing the way I thought about linear algebra. I would recommend any college students or highschool seniors to watch his videos on calculus at the least.

Oney Plays
Funny bois who make me laugh.

He is the guy who made the parallel worlds video that turned into a bit of an internet meme a few years back. This guy knows so much about mario 65 that it is mind boggling. I dont even give a shit about mario 64 anymore but his mastery of the nuances of the game along with his explaination keeps me interested.

PBS Infinite Series
For math nerds only. Only channel on youtube that breaks down somewhat advanced topics into an easily digestible video.

He is a blacksmith. I dont know shit about blacksmithing but his videos are soothing to me.
I really don’t watch a lot. But I’m subscribed to FilmJoy (Formerly Movies with Mikey, formerly ChainsawSuit) and Dunkey.
I like a bunch of the stuff from Polygon and Achievement Hunter. MovieBitches is a film review show I like. Also a bunch of ukulele/guitar and woodworking channels.

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