Occupy Wall Street

What are they supposed to do? Sift through the protesters and weed out the hooligans?
The people that damage property are more than likely not associated with the protests, but rather use the protesters as a cover to do these acts. That is unless (*places his tin foil hat on*), they are moles sent to discredit the protests.

Yes. If you are attempting to make a statement then parameters need to be well defined and enforced. That involves leadership though, and a well understood goal, something these protests lack. Idiots regularly come to parties and ruin them, I'm sure most of these people would understand that, unless they are the idiots themselves. Poor leadership led to what happened.

Them not having a central figurehead, makes this movement is better. No one person to placate on behalf of the masses. No one person to tarnish, to discredit the group. And no one message to undermine.

And no single message to drive the horde in the appropriate direction. No common goal for them to move towards. Just an expression, hollow and meaningless.

If nothing is going to come out of this - What do you think would cause change, in YOUR opinion? I also believe that not much will change, but by not demonstrating in SOME form - you're completely giving up. What should they do if they want change?

Nothing will cause change. This country is broke, unable and unwilling to repay its debts, to make the necessary cuts and sacrifices to fix things. Politicians (who should not be paid for their jobs, as it should NEVER be a career) are so worried about keeping their jobs that they tote heavy handed lines blind to reason and logic. So worried about pleasing their constituents that voted for them that all they will do is point fingers rather than work towards any form of a compromise. The only thing that gets unilateral support through the government is pay raises for themselves, and while some involved criticize the motion, they still leave their hand out to take the check.

Partisan politics has absolutely destroyed this country. Too many idiots have gotten involved. People are more concerned about what others are doing than themselves. "You can't do it like that!! You have to do it my way, its the only right way!" Overabundance of regulation where unnecessary, lack where necessary. Too much red tape, too much administration, too much government, too much nosiness. People need to take a step back, a giant step. People are much too busy trying to control others lives' to make any form of "change" happen.

WAAHHH - that protest doesn't have a message, lets be honest man - if you don't know why people are upset then you're delusional. The general idea of the protests: In short, is that things are bad. And the feeling is that people want to reform the policies that places ALL of the burden on the working class.

Yes, I must have missed how bad things have gotten. As I sit here, in my $800 a month ivory tower located in one of the worst spots in this town. As I went to the bank this morning and overdrafted my checking account so I could have enough money for this week, you know, due to the lack of jobs around here. All of the burden my ass. They aren't signing paychecks, paying healthcare costs, forking out tons of money for shitty employees that don't get the job done. Be careful how you fire them as well, one slip of the tongue, one wrong adjective, you find yourself in the middle of a frivolous lawsuit.

Sue, regulate, complain. It is the fault of somebody else. Curious, how many of these people at these protests are still paying phone bills, internet, house payments. How many of them took their vacation time to show up?

Tell me - what was the message behind the Tea Party movement? Take our country back? Ya, Real clear. Now, they have politicians playing to their movement - which will probably happen for the occupiers in November when Dems are trying to get reelected. I hardly call that nothing. So yes, the stooges will change - but with the changing stooges, comes the changing messages they carry.

I do call that nothing. What impact has the tea party really had on how things are done? Yeah, there are new faces up there. Dealing with the same old shit the last ones were. Good politicians, there are a few. Our Congressman has represented his district superbly throughout the 15+ years he has been up there, and he will continue to. One man doesn't change a thing up there though, because it takes more than one person to get something done, and there isn't enough people seeing eye to eye to form any kind of consensus.

You want to change something? Get rid of your worthless paper notes and digital credits for something that actually has value, like gold (which is nothing more then a rock in the ground assigned value) or supplies, and wait for the rotten scaffolding of this country to finally collapse. You'll be in position to change something then. Until that point though, worry about yourself and screw the rest of society. They aren't exactly helping anyone.
Sticky, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Favorite part here -

StickyGreenGamer said:
You want to change something? Get rid of your worthless paper notes and digital credits for something that actually has value, likegold :lol: (which is nothing more then a rock in the ground assigned value) or supplies, and wait for the rotten scaffolding of this country to finally collapse. You'll be in position to change something then. Until that point though, worry about yourself and screw the rest of society. They aren't exactly helping anyone.


I'm curious as to your demographic whereabouts.
How very clever you are.

Asked for my opinion, you got it. Sorry it doesn't fit so neatly with whatever ideology you are pitching.

So tell us, since you are so obviously on point, what needs to be done?

I addressed your questions, the answers made sense. Perhaps not to you, but that is your problem, not mine.
Urbz, I love you a little bit more after that post.

With all this talk of returning to the gold standard, let's spark a real debate!

Keynesian economics vs. Classical (or regular) economics.

We need 3 people for pro and 3 people for con. Each person will be assigned to either the first constructive, second constructive or the rebuttal. If you have questions as to how a formal debate works click here.
StickyGreenGamer said:
How very clever you are.

Asked for my opinion, you got it. Sorry it doesn't fit so neatly with whatever ideology you are pitching.

So tell us, since you are so obviously on point, what needs to be done?

I addressed your questions, the answers made sense. Perhaps not to you, but that is your problem, not mine.

Sorry to completely disregard your opinion Sticky, but now maybe you know how it feels when people feel that their ideas are completely legitimate, but others disregard them as idiocy.

I don't know what exactly needs to be done, no one does - but SOMETHING needs to give because (you're right) the system cannot function like this in the long term. One thing I do know is that this movement is a start to that system change (or potentially a start). We are having a discussion that is probably being had by A LOT of people all over the country/world - that other wise wouldn't be taking place had it not been for these protesters. IMO, THAT is a good thing, whether you agree with their stance or not.

I completely agree with a lot of your points, but they had no bearing on the Occupy discussion.

Partisan politics is destroying this country - Agree.
It takes more than one person to get something done - Agree.

-Use vacation time to protest - ...disagree... Requesting free time from the boss you plan on protesting sounds a little hypocritical. People cannot protest with the rest of the Occupiers due to life restrictions like bills, families and other obligations, but they support them.

-Poor leadership lead to what happened - Disagree. People doing what they want using the guise of the larger group as cover is what lead to the destruction. 7,000 people protested. 70 people destroyed property. Do the math - That's LESS than %1, and you're letting them define the bigger picture. Much like what is going on in the US.
-Get rid of your worthless paper notes - go back to gold - Disagree - currency is represented value, should we go back to wampum? How do I purchase a house or a car w/o currency? Without currency we do not have an industrial society - everything becomes tribal, and humanity jumps back a few decades.
-Screw the rest of society - disagree, thats what got us here, people looking out for themselves, forgetting that they are apart of a bigger group. Humanity.
-A single message to drive the horde - Disagree, its going to take more than a few buzz words to sum up whats been going on with this country. And even without that leadership - I'd say their doing a good job of organizing a mobilizing, wouldn't you?

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