Horrible Multiplayer support from Sega and Creative Assembly


Hi all, this is just a warning to those of you thinking of buying games made by Creative Assembly or Sega (i.e. Empire Total War, Space Siege, the new Gauntlet). For the last four months the game Medieval 2 Total War has been plagued by a major connection issue. Anybody who is trying to connect to the multiplayer on that game (powered by Gamespy) has had repeated connection failures. Sometimes it takes over ten tries to get into the game, sometimes over thirty, and sometimes you simply can't join multiplayer at all. This is not a router issue. This started happening to everybody at the same time. Now in those four months we've all written numerous emails, posted in the tech support forums, and generally complained to Sega and CA about the problem, but NOTHING has changed. If anything, it's gotten worse. The multiplayer community has gone from thriving to nearly nonexistent and Sega/CA don't seem to care at all. They are not providing any information on the problem, they are not "looking into it," and they definitely aren't trying to keep us from leaving. How pissed off would you be if your favorite multiplayer game went belly-up like this and the tech support team didn't provide any tech support? Will they do the same thing in Empire Total War?

Anyways, consider yourselves warned. This is the worst multiplayer support I've ever seen from a game developer.
Still I play the Total War series for its single player campaign! :)
I've also experienced many lag issues playing MTW2 and Rome online.
Nothing new here :D
Mitchy_Slick_253 said:
sega sucks. always has

Maybe since you were born but, because of that statement, I somehow doubt you were alive during the Master System and Mega Drive days.

maca2kx said:
Mitchy_Slick_253 said:
sega sucks. always has

Maybe since you were born but, because of that statement, I somehow doubt you were alive during the Master System and Mega Drive days.


double that thought, all of sega's systems have some gems on them that should never be passed up you fool,
panzar dragon 1 and 2
bug 1 and 2
scud the disposible assasin
Mr. bones
sonic adventures
sword of the berserk
there are to many to name

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