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What's the scariest game you've ever played?

I don't really like scary games, myself, unless they have a really good gameplay mechanic. One game that was immersive enough to make me go, "AHH!" was The Thing. The graphics were bad, even for the time, but the characters and acting were great.

Another mention must go to Silent Hill 2, of course.

Scary games that I didn't think were scary:
Bioshock and F.E.A.R
DOOM(1) was pretty scary at the time.

But I think silent hill 2 has set the bar as high as it can go for me.
i agree, DOOM was freakin freaky. I was probably 6 at the time and had to play it with other people in the room.

Another notch at Silent Hill series, i seriously cant play those games without some sort of a walkthrough, so that the 'suprises' aren't really 'suprises'.

Siren was also a killer for me.
Laugh at me all you want but I will be honest with you, when I first got my Nintendo 64 and started to play Super Mario 64 I got scared by the big damn eel in the third level. I was so scared of that level then, that I relucted to play that level and just collected more stars in other levels.

I think that the best horror game for me would be a game that has an underwater setting. Nothing scares the sh** out of me more then the constant feeling of constant tension while I am diving water because I always think: 'Now, he'll come, the badass shark with 4 inch long teeth ... aaaaany second now.'


Coward? Maybe ... but a honest coward! :D
I never played Doom 3, but I heard that was scary. I haven't played many that I can think of, so probably F.E.A.R.
I'm gonna say the first Devil May Cry. At first it was creepy, then scary, then not so much. Once you got outside the castle though, oh boy.
Doom 3 was scary only because most of the time you could'nt see anything. Scariest I've played is one of the Fatal Frames.
Doom 3 and the Silent Hill series were very scary, but at least I got myself to play them both from beginning until the end. Fatal frames was scary too but I didn't own it, I played it at a friend's.. as a kid however, there is one occaision I really refused to play the game because it was too scary.. no wait, two occaisions, which were the redead under the kakariko graveyard and the hand creatures that dropped from the ceiling in the Ocarina of Time game.. man, I was such a pussy.
Redeads definitely scared the liiving shit outta me, but if there was one game that really creeped me it was Mist. Call me an idiot but I always got that creeptastic feeling that someone was watching you while I played that game
Gametrailers did a nice top ten last year of the scariest games ever.

Top 3 were
#1 Silent Hill
#2 Fatal Frame 2
#3 Resident Evil Remake

Of course, they only picked one game to represent each series to be fair.

Doom 3 and Clock Tower were also on the list.
I would have to pick Silent Hill and Fatal Frame as my top two scariest games of all time. Not FF2, but the first. I just liked it better..
Kuon also gets a nod.. I guess I'm just a sucker for those kind of games...
lHollowl said:
Redeads definitely scared the liiving s*** outta me

I remember when I first got that game. When I was like 8, Redeads were the absolute scariest things. Then I played Devil May Cry
When I was little, the one thing that scared me more than anything was the Silent Cartographer on the first Halo. Maybe it was the fact that I hate small spaces and areas where there isn't sufficient lighting, or maybe it was all those invisible Elites. That scared the s**t out of me, and it still gives me chills today, just not as many.
Rakon said:
I'm gonna say the first Devil May Cry. At first it was creepy, then scary, then not so much. Once you got outside the castle though, oh boy.

Devil May Cry? That was an action game. I could never get scared if my main character was as cocky and confident as Dante!

I guess you never played Resident Evil 4, which is also an action game. Although I'll admit it gets intense.

The Silent Hill series is always the best. I don't care what you hardcore SH fans say, 3 is the scariest.
I played Doom 3 in a dark room on Halloween night once. Very frightening. The game was so-so but I really enjoyed the detailed sounds. Scary sounds effects, people screaming for help over the radio, etc. It definitely heightened the scary atmosphere.
RE2. But the circumstances are what made it scary. Log Cabin style house. Middle of the night. Middle of a Storm.

My best friend at the time lived with his grandparents in the backwoods. His grandfather raised "Coonhounds" which are just Hounds used for raccoon hunting. I'm telling you... backwoods redneck.

The dogs were going crazy because of the storm. We got to Tyrant at the end of Disc 2. Very end of the game. Power went out. Dogs got loose from the kennel. Some of which aren't "people friendly".

We had to go round them up. It was a mess outside.

Very scary shit.
Wizards & Warriors. The enemies, the music, the atmosphere, the weird sound effects, the MAP, hell, the introduction screen... this game had it all.

I guess the second would be Trojan. You'd have to be a real badass to walk those streets in real life.

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