Haiku Friday

So i been drinkin again, and i wanted to rant a lil about Haikus lol

Ok so it seems like the whole haiku friday thing has picked up alot lately. Understandably so, who doesnt like free stuff? I love the whole idea of it. But more and more, im getting frustrated with peoples haikus (haikoos haiku lol).

I am in no way good at english, dont have a major, and i dunno anything about poetry past what i learned in high school...hell, half the time i dont bother to correct anything but spelling anymore. But to me, it feels like half the people that post entries dont really know what a good haiku sounds like.

All i know about em is that they are supposed to be 5-7-5, but that doesnt mean that they should just be a sentence, or a thought - put into the correct syllables. It should have a lil aesthetic feel to it. It should have a "punchline" (if it were a joke), or something that ties it all together. Too many people just form a sentence into the 5-7-5 rule and call it good. I would post examples but i dont wanna be an asshole. The "punchline" doesnt have to be in the last line either, ive seen some good ones that had it up front or in the middle. And its not like its even a "punchline" , but this is so hard to explain lol- im tryin my best here.

But yeah it should never be just one or two sentences running together. It should be something that, overall, sounds funny, clever, cute or whatever really...as long as its pleasing when read aloud- or in the head. Not everyone is guilty of this, a few of you regularly make great entries, that im jealous of lol....

And once again this is all my opinion, dont hate me. But someone else out there has to have read some of these and been like "wtf? laaaaame!"

:x :x
GR always picks good ones, so i know someone up top knows what sounds good and what doesnt...im never unhappy with the winners, but more so the people who waste my time (all 10 seconds of it!) with their horrible attempts at haiku.
Well the rubbish ones dont win right? So we'll get over it. Consider it better chances for YOU to win ;)

As drunken rants go, that was fairly light - you need to do better next time! Bear in mind, you only have one drunken topic. I'll let this one go, since you borderline have a topic going here haha! So you still have your drunken topic in the cards - play it right! ;)
Considering that my win ratio is probably less than 5%, I'm guessing I'm one of the more crummy ones. Well, what do you expect, Picard? THEY DON'T TEACH HAIKUS IN BUSINESS SCHOOL!
The good shall rise up
from a mountain of rubbish
to claim their free swag.

Oh no! Haiku's in the forum!

That's my opinion.
That's just a sentence with 17 syllables though. Just like Picard hates. Not poetic at all. Way to go.
I agree with Picard on this but don't care as much as he does. I do get super annoyed when people just shoe horn a bunch of syllables together but then I realize they are just trying to win some free goodies. I trust the GR head muckity mucks to get it right and they rarely disappoint.

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