FFXIII may be Eng only on 360;PS3 to have Eng & Japanese

Will you be disappointed if FF XIII has an English only audio track?

  • No. I've played every other FF title in English, why would this matter?

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  • Yes.

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  • Lol. 360 Newbs. PS3 RAWX.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lol. PS3 Newbs. It's just an audio track.

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I like watching movies in their original language, Elia. Don't get me wrong.
But when it comes to games, the cinematics are the one part of them where I can sit back and take a break from the action. I don't want to have to focus my attention on something happening at the bottom of the screen, I'd rather just stare at the beautiful renderings on-screen and listen.
If that's lazyness I guess I'm lazy. But don't attribute it to my country just because I say it.

IMO that's just some other culture stereotyping. And I can do that too.
Right, except I'm American too, I was just poking fun lol. It's just an attitude I get from lots of people (too lazy, tired, whatever, to read subtitles).

I guess I see your point, so it simply bothers you more than it does me I suppose. And that's all there is to it.
Video games/cartoon/anime will almost always sound better in their native langauge. Simply because most of the time the actors don't need to lip sync to the characters, the characters are lip synced to them.

So while in a Japan soundbooth you can have the whole cast reading lines together, bouncing off each other and getting to do the line in a variety of ways...once the dubbing happens the English voice actor has to time his words to match the mouths of something already rendered....which can hamper their ability to deliver their lines in a believable manor.

Sometimes the English voice actors can come through and strike gold, such with FLCL which really an exception to the rule.

I've got both systems, and if PS3 has jap audio that'll be the version I watch. But I'm pretty use to subtitles, I do watch a lot of subbed anime.
I hate dubs. I always prefer to watch a movie in it's original language, so I'll be playing this in Japanese.

Fun fact: In Spain all movies shown in theatres are dubbed. I had to endure "Night at the museum", which is already a very bad movie, in Spanish. Imagine Ben Stiller with a spanish accent saying: "Pero coño, tio. Todo esta vivo en este museo".

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