Deus Ex games

Those who have played both games please discuss what do you think about this series - is it overrated, negative/positive sides etc.
I'm particularly interested in Deus Ex 2: Invisible War. I've read lot of negative reviews about this game. Is it worth playing after the first game or not? There's a Xbox review up on this site, grade is a decent B. So it can't be that bad.
Personally I'm so tired of today's FPS games or games in general where there is no originality, depth and story, only pretty graphics with shallow content - Half Life 2, Doom 3, Quake 3, soon Prey, the list goes on and on. It's about time to play something different. I sincerely hope Bioshock will make a difference...
Deus Ex is exactally what your looking for man, its not your average everyday FPS, its like a FPS RPG and the storyline is awesome, and while the the graphics arent that great, it still has some cool lighting effects and great psyics, cuz you can pick up anything and take stuff, its really really neat.

This game is completly under-rated on all levels. this game is now in the 9.99 bin for xbox and its so worth it. I had the version for xbox and i havent played the ps2 one. But the one for xbox, Deus Ex: Invisible War, was great buy the game and see for yourself. You wont be displeased, its not your average watered down shooter.
Caped_Crusader said:
Is it worth playing after the first game or not? There's a Xbox review up on this site, grade is a decent B. So it can't be that bad.

You asking as an Xbox or a PC gamer?

As dumb as it may seem, it does make a difference. Since they both have completely different views on the series.
HOC, what do you mean by 'different views'? How does it matter which version to play Deus Ex 2?

I'm playing Deus EX: Invisible War for the PC at the moment and the first impression is... not very good. Especially when you compare the start of the first game - vast, open map of Statue of Liberty with the second game - tiny apartment. Graphic engine is new but feels bland. Guess I'm spoiled with Doom3 and HL2 visuals now..
I'm at the night club, going from one room to another, looking for something. Hopefully it will get better. But It doesn't feel Deus Ex at all, more like another console FPS shooter. There's no reload, no depth in skills and augs, humongous text with a terrible font, voice-acting could be better. Picked female character because male voice actor sounds so phony.
But it's named Deus Ex, so it's gotta be good, right? :twisted: Even if it feels like a totally different developer team is behind it.
You asked if DX:IW was worth playing. So from that, it's not a matter of "version", it's a matter of mindset. Also matters if you've played the original.

The majority of views held by the PC and Xbox crowds towards DX:IW are complete opposites. Where the Xbox community viewed it as a brilliant game, the PC community thought it was a vile piece of crap that never should've gotten past the sketch drawings. Much less carry the title of Deus Ex. The Xbox crowd calls the PC players fanboys for not seeing it for what it was. The PC players call it proof that consoles are for watered down games with emphasis on gimmickry over actual gameplay ("Dumbed down" and for the "lowest common denominator" are often used when the discussion comes up).

It's pretty much a stereotype you can lay out when it comes to DX:IW. Not everyone holds the opinion of the respective camp, but for everyone that doesn't there are a handful that do.

And as a PC gamer, I thought it was horrendously bad. But there was at least some comedy value in characters getting stuck in walls and warping to cover entire hallways.

I'll try and find the article I read a few weeks back that offered up reasons (Excuses) on
what the devs admitted to going wrong on the project. It's a good, though sad read.
Wow i just bougth Deus Ex the Conspiercy and wow this game is amazing. I love this series, and the orignal is fun as heck and only 4.99 shit cant go wrong with that at all.
If you have an XBox or PS2, pick up Project Snowblind. It's basically Deus Ex 1.5. It has biomods, med- and repair bots, nano-augs (versus "traditional" augs), it takes place in Hong Kong, and it's a similar cyberpunk story. Oh, and it's the same publisher. ;-) And the combat is waaay better than Deus Ex.

The only thing totally uncool about it is the main character. Unlike J.C. Denton, there's absolutely nothing about him that makes you say, "Woah, cool!" He looks like Pee Wee Herman in a slightly militaristic jumpsuit. Not badass at all. Luckily, you don't have to look at him while you play.
kingsam said:
If you have an XBox or PS2, pick up Project Snowblind. It's basically Deus Ex 1.5. It has biomods, med- and repair bots, nano-augs (versus "traditional" augs), it takes place in Hong Kong, and it's a similar cyberpunk story. Oh, and it's the same publisher. ;-) And the combat is waaay better than Deus Ex.

The only thing totally uncool about it is the main character. Unlike J.C. Denton, there's absolutely nothing about him that makes you say, "Woah, cool!" He looks like Pee Wee Herman in a slightly militaristic jumpsuit. Not badass at all. Luckily, you don't have to look at him while you play.

I tried that once. A bit too hard for my liking.
Tyrranis said:
I tried that once. A bit too hard for my liking.

Well, I'm selling it next time I go to Gamestop, if that's any indication to you. :-\ But it was a fun little ride, especially for the $10 I got it for.
kingsam said:
If you have an XBox or PS2, pick up Project Snowblind. It's basically Deus Ex 1.5. It has biomods, med- and repair bots, nano-augs (versus "traditional" augs), it takes place in Hong Kong, and it's a similar cyberpunk story. Oh, and it's the same publisher. ;-) And the combat is waaay better than Deus Ex.

The only thing totally uncool about it is the main character. Unlike J.C. Denton, there's absolutely nothing about him that makes you say, "Woah, cool!" He looks like Pee Wee Herman in a slightly militaristic jumpsuit. Not badass at all. Luckily, you don't have to look at him while you play.

Snowblind is total shit compared to Deus Ex. Deus Ex is the greatest First Person game ever(along with Oblivion) game ever created. Fact. I don't think i need to say any more. Deus Ex Invisible war is also a great game, one of the most flawed games ever but still great.
If you get Deus Ex it's only great on PC, if you get DE:IW get it on Xbox if you can because it's kindof bugged performence wise on PC.
Here's my two cents:

1) Deus Ex: Great game. With the varied paths you could take through the plot, the extensive character customization, and great level design, this game is one you shouldn't miss as a PC gamer. That being said, the graphics are a bit dated and angular compared to today's games. If you can get over the graphical differences, you're in for one great ride.

2) Deus Ex: Invisible War. Still a good game, but nowhere near as good as the first one. They tried to appeal to a larger audience by dumbing down some of the character customization. PC users blame the console port for those changes, but they were design changes hoping to up the sales of the franchise. Still a good game if you play it on the Xbox. The console version went through more QA than the PC version since MS wouldn't let them release as buggy a game. There is no gatekeeper on PC games, hence Day 0 patches.

So, to sum up. Both good. Play the first on PC and the second on Xbox. On another note, if you want another game that, in my opinion, does just about everything DE did but in a creepier environment, try System Shock 2.

System Shock 2 is the best meld of RPG elements in an FPS game. Throw in a creepy haunted spaceship with a megomaniacal AI, and you've got one hell of a game.

- C!
Considering the original Deus Ex was perhaps, the single greatest game of all time. It is certainly worth playing. (the pc version that is- the ps2 version was a travesty..... like most ps2 games in fact.....)

Invisible war was okay, but its not even in the same league as the original.

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