Best Anti-Heroes in games

WickedLiquid said:
If you are a villian you are not a protagonist you are an antagonist. DON'T MAKE ME OPEN THE DICTIONARY AGAIN!
So then what would you call the main character in Overlord?
You know I don't play that!

But if he's anything like Dexter he's an antihero. If he is worse than his enemy then yeah he's a villian and therefore an antagonist.

Agent 47 in Hitman: Absolution could be considered an anti-hero, since for the entire game he does murder people while he's trying to protect, then rescue the young girl Victoria. So you know, he does do completely evil things, but how is 47 described in earlier games? A "necessary evil" I believe, or something? Considering all of 47's targets are never, ever innocent people (always messed up people corrupted by power and such). A monster to kill monsters?

I've always liked Agent 47. More so, it might be just the Hitman games. As a character he is a bit of a blank slate, and the whole being bald with the bar code on the back of his head is kinda silly and totally not inconspicuous but the Hitman games have always been fun. I think Absolution is the first game that gives him a bit more "character", but it can be argued that he's a bit more human in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin.
WickedLiquid said:
You know I don't play that!

But if he's anything like Dexter he's an antihero. If he is worse than his enemy then yeah he's a villian and therefore an antagonist.
I don't think you understand what antagonist means. It isn't synonymous with villain. It just means the opposition in a story, with protagonist being the main character regardless of whether they are good or not.

Hell, an even better example is Scott Shelby from your favoritest game ever. He's no doubt the villain, and yet still a protagonist.
Wha.. But that's a twist! Once he becomes a villian he's no longer a protagonist since he becomes an opposition to the other protagonists. Twist! Like vanilla and chocolate ice cream! ...oh man I could go for one of those.

Are we seriously still arguing this? Just look at Craig's example. Agent 47 is a bad guy but he takes out people who are worssssssse. That's an antihero. Anti means opposite and hero means hero, just so you know.


Anyway, enough of that.

My favorite?
Travis Touchdown

He's basically the opposite of Kratos in that he starts out as a total monster and ends up being sympathetic and a pretty good guy. Sort of. Also, nearly everyone he kills is ten times worse than he is.
Still yet to play the second NMH. My Wii is getting pretty dusty. Plus it must be cheap as balls by now!

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